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Items Error

Discussion in 'Bug Reports & Installation Support' started by Slagmoth, Sep 13, 2017.

  1. Slagmoth

    Slagmoth New Member

    Sep 6, 2017
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    Getting errors when players drop items.
  2. Slagmoth

    Slagmoth New Member

    Sep 6, 2017
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    Thanks for feedback, a bit to go through here.

    Yes, this is a WIP, it's very close in the Beta, should be fairly solid in 3.7.2

    Do we have ETAs on release schedules? I know that this would be an estimate only and not a committal.

    Same as above, chaining features together and such will be a thing.

    There is some extra logging that happens in the Beta. Could you define what you mean by get saves dynamically? As to hard setting the DC not sure what you mean by 'what the system generates'.

    the DC would be something along the lines of;
    8 + getWisMod() + getProf() + any special modifiers [note: getProf() is in the current unreleased pre Beta]

    These are new script functions and I am sure that the old ones were holdovers or edited versions for 3.X/PF. But when a player uses a spell or the GM throws one from a monster it would be nice to be able to see what the DC it generates. I used a custom script inside the spell builder and it appears that the DCs were not correct based on what I thought the script would get back. Even if the output of the DC for anything is whispered to the GM it would be great to be sure I am setting things up correctly. Also, I would suggest maybe a programmatic way of getting the spellcasting ability modifier from the character. This prevents having to write the same spell 3 times. On the flip side I know how it could be difficult to deal with multi-classing but if the source of the spell list was some how marked by the class that granted it, that would work better.

    Doing this potentially 3 times is fine though to keep automation down and we have a copy button iirc.

    New documentation is in the works; re Documentation thread

    Awesome, I will check that out. Thanks.

    I'll ask about the overcoming res/immune quality. As to crits, yes, that's being looked at for a resolution. In the gap, rather hit the crit button, toggle the sneak box add the appropriate di, and resolve it as a normal ht with the added dice.

    I will look into that gap thanks. For reference the most frequently done resistances that have a way to bypass them is the following: "Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical source" wording corrected from errata posted on the Wizards site.

    I'll double check this, players should be able to remove the item from their sheet, that however should not remove it from your Library.

    Could you give us an example? if it doesn't have a mechanic it's just a simple Trait with no active effects (feature tied to it).

    So if a character in 5E takes a feat such as Resilient (Constitution) They would become proficient in Constitution Saving Throws as well as gain +1 to their Constitution score. Is there currently a way to have something on the character sheet that details/audits the change to the character sheet? I can see that we could just make the change to the base sheet then notate it in Notes, but I was looking for something a little bit more automated. For example I could create all the feats that I allow that do alterations to certain abilities and have them available for the players to choose when they are allowed to do so. Thus creating a library of them. Currently, I was only able to make an ability and when I build it out it gives the token an "active feature", which I then have to turn off when saving it back into the character or merging.

    Right click on the token -> Location -> Save Creature save the creature to the library.

    Oh... well then.

    Could provide a screen shot of this, along with your d20pro.log file please?

    I haven't gone back into that game but I can provide the log for it. I will be more aware and take screen shots every time we have an issue going forward.

    Thanks for the reply and information

    Attached Files:

    #2 Slagmoth, Sep 14, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 15, 2017
  3. Wesley Gorby

    Wesley Gorby Production/Community Manager
    Staff Member

    Aug 1, 2011
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    You'll want to avoid 'persistent' permanent effects, that will really bog down the system, those have to be checked against every time the system looks for checks on or against the token.

    IMO, the best way to handle this would be to add a simple descriptive Trait to the character at the desired level. The character token is meant as a way to track aspects of the character as they pertain to use inside D20PRO, it isn't intended as a character builder. HeroLab & PCGen is your best bet for Character building.
  4. Wesley Gorby

    Wesley Gorby Production/Community Manager
    Staff Member

    Aug 1, 2011
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    That is exactly the idea, and what is in the works.

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