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Some small QoL suggestions

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by Nezzeraj, Jan 10, 2018.

  1. Nezzeraj

    Nezzeraj Member

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Played a session zero to teach my players the software and came across some features that were very cumbersome and thought I we suggest some improvements :).

    1. Adding a "deselect all" option for Drop Item action. The default is that all items are selected, so if I want to drop only a single item, I have to deselect every individual item manually.

    2. Adding a "clear all" button to the Roster. There seems to be a bug currently that is generating extra passives, so at one point I had almost 180 passive tokens and had to clear them by hand (Shift+Click was possible but it seemed there was a limit to how many could be selected/deleted at once).

    3. Resting action. Is there a way to make this a hotkey or allow the GM to "rest all tokens"? When teaching new players we were casting lots of different kinds of spells and had to navigate through so many submenus to reset spells.
  2. Gekko

    Gekko New Member

    Oct 8, 2012
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    +1 for a (night's) rest button
  3. Wesley Gorby

    Wesley Gorby Production/Community Manager
    Staff Member

    Aug 1, 2011
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    You can multi select either by left click and drag selection or by ctr+click, then right click and Rest All. So, you can zoom out drag and select everything on the map, right click and rest all..

    I'll check on the extra passives thing, though that sounds like a UID bug, ident number assigned to tokens. I'd try reassigning the tokens, select all tokens on the map, right click Alter->Team (check the box that say regenerate UID#)...

    If that doesn't work for what ever reason, export the map, delete it from D20PRO then Import the map and it will regenerate the UID numbers for the tokens.
  4. Nezzeraj

    Nezzeraj Member

    Jan 31, 2014
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    So after clearing the passives I figured out how they are being generated so I'll post it in the bug forum :) And how about the "deselect all" option in the Drop Item menu? :)

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