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[PF] Report on trying to create an "Enlarge Person" spell effect with the rules library feature

Discussion in 'Bug Reports & Installation Support' started by tumbleweeed, Jan 13, 2018.

  1. tumbleweeed

    tumbleweeed New Member

    Jan 8, 2018
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    What you are trying to do exactly?
    Creating the Enlarge Person spell.

    What the result was and/or what steps you took?
    See details below

    Is the issue repeatable?
    I think so.

    What OS you are using?
    Windows 10

    What rules system are you using?

    What version of the software are you using?
    Java version 1.8.0-152

    So I created an enlarge person spell effect and discovered several issues.
    As I'm very new to this I can't really tell which of them are bugs in the software or just my lack of knowledge. So please correct me if I did something wrong.

    1. Defining multiple modifications inside the same effect
    I'll start with this one because it was the most obvious thing to discover or me.
    Enlarge Perseon requires at least 4 different modifications:
    +2 size bonus to STR, -2 size penalty to DEX, -1 AC unnamed penalty and -1 unnamed Attack penalty (to hit)

    In the following picture you can see how I defined them (The missing size bonus type has been reported already):

    After hitting save and opening the spell again, it looked like this:

    So is it not possible to define multiple modifications on the target or did I do something wrong?

    2. The enlargeTarget() script didn't work
    After applying the spell on a target, the token size should change, right?

    3. Execution delay
    I chose "Turn start" here because that spell takes a full round to cast and is applied at the beginning of the next turn. The effect appeared immediately. Did I misinterpret this setting? If so, how can I achieve this (aside from sending the effect an hour later)?

    4. Duration value
    There seem to be issues with the JS functions. The duration is 10 minutes per caster level.
    Using the effect with the duration value as seen in the first picture results in something like this: effect.png

    10 Minutes without a JS function works as intended, though.

    5. Targeting the effect
    This is not really an issue of the rules library.
    Nevertheless, I had issues targeting my spell with clicking on "target", but using the expand button and selecting the target from there worked. Maybe I was confused because I am not used to the GM view of the game, but I'm not sure. But it responded to my actions by opening a target selection panel. It's just that nothing happend (1st image).
    targets1.png targets2.png
    #1 tumbleweeed, Jan 13, 2018
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2018
  2. Tay-Dor

    Tay-Dor Active Member

    May 15, 2016
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    I know the enlarge effect is intended to work. Once its working, you won't need to put size changes to AC and attacks (the -1 size AC and -1 to hit) in. As soon as you change the size of a token (using the entry that shows Medium, Large, etc) D20PRO already takes those size modifiers into account. It won't do the Attribute adjustments.
  3. Nezzeraj

    Nezzeraj Member

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Yes, you can't have multiple modifications to the same effect, but you can create multiple effects! So you have to create a new effect for each modification.

    2. Haven't tested the scripts out yet, but I don't think you need to write "scripts" in the script portion, just the actual script name.

    3. Turn start should indeed apply on the start of the target's next turn.

    I'll try to my hand at making it and post it on here if it works.
  4. tumbleweeed

    tumbleweeed New Member

    Jan 8, 2018
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    1. I tried to apply a second effect instead, too, but I had another issue with that. On the second effect, the only option for the effect's delay was "none", so you can't have multiple effects with "start on the next turn".

    2. If I remember correctly, the scripts get autocompleted and I chose the one I thought was the right one.
  5. tumbleweeed

    tumbleweeed New Member

    Jan 8, 2018
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    That's good to know, thanks!
  6. Nezzeraj

    Nezzeraj Member

    Jan 31, 2014
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    So I got everything to work except the script and the delay. I checked the SRD and enlarge person is 1 min/caster level, not 10. So you can just use getCasterTotalLevel (or whatever its called lol) and it works. My script box doesn't allow me to type into it, so I have to click edit and then copy and paste from the script library, but I get an invalid script error. /shrugs. Here's as close as I could get though.

    Attached Files:

  7. tumbleweeed

    tumbleweeed New Member

    Jan 8, 2018
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    Ah, yes. I think I mixed up the duration with another spell.
    So we'll need to get this to work nevertheless.

    I'll try your version of the spell later, thanks for that.
    #7 tumbleweeed, Jan 14, 2018
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2018
    Nezzeraj likes this.

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