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Tutorial for GM's

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by BoomerET, Sep 7, 2013.

  1. BoomerET

    BoomerET New Member

    May 18, 2012
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    I've owned d20Pro for a year or so, but have never actually played a game in it.

    Thanks in large part to the recent Kickstarter, I'm starting to look at the software to gain a deeper understanding of how it all works.

    So I started to go through the Quickstart PDF, but alas, it has maps and icons and tokens that I don't have, or couldn't find.

    It's entirely possible that I deleted the campaign folders that held the tutorial resources.

    So, I thought to myself, 'Self, you have Hero Lab, PCGen, Dungeon Designer 3, GIMP, why not create your own tutorial'

    Why not make this a community effort? We can start off with text/PDF tutorials, and move into videos if we ever get this off the ground.

  2. LtlBtyRam

    LtlBtyRam New Member

    Sep 1, 2012
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    For the most part I just fumble my way through. One thing I really need and I'm not sure if others do is mapping. How do I handle maps where there are only text descriptions in the adventure. I do think this is needed.

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