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I need clarification for backing the kickstarter.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Truwen, Sep 3, 2014.

  1. Truwen

    Truwen Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    Want to back the kick starter, but am a little confused on which option is right for me.

    I am a long time d20pro user with a gm license and several + guest slots. What options would be best for me. I am looking at the 25$ and the 15$ pledge options. But am unclear as to which is the best option for my current license. Does the 25$ option give an upgrade? Or a whole new license, making my legacy license obsolete (including the guest slots)?

    At any rate, I like where the kickstarter is going and the d20pro roadmap thus far. Keep it up guys.
  2. Golkiwu

    Golkiwu Member

    Sep 7, 2010
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    If you have a full license and some guest slots (how many do you have?) the $15 is probably right for you. If I remember correctly, that option upgrades and gives Gencon Content. I "a la cart" ed that, and also added the +4 Guests as well in addition to adding the GenCon Content. I believe the 25$ option is exactly what you think, a separate full license with the 2 guest slots. If someone had been using a trial, and wanted to get a full license, this would be the option for them.

    Me being a full License Holder with +4 Guest Slots, I did this:

    $5 for License Upgrade
    $10 Gencon Content (I could have just chosen the $15 that includes both, but I wanted to be SURE of what I was getting)
    $15 Addtional +4 Guest Slots

    Gets me to $30, which is what the original license for D20Pro cost (which I got free due to winning a copy at a tournament).
    I will probably add on some of the token packs and other stuff they added before too long, but I hope this helps clarify for you.
  3. Truwen

    Truwen Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    That is what I thought between the 15$ and 25$ options. I believe I have 4 guest slots, or 5. I don't remember off the top of my head, as my group hasn't played in a very long time.

    At any rate, thanks for the information. I look forward to Unlimited! Think I will go ahead and pledge for the 15$ slot. From your description it seems that is the best option for me.

    Any way, thanks again.
  4. Caraldur

    Caraldur Member

    Aug 18, 2011
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    If I pledge $100 for the Developer Early Access, does that include a license upgrade or do I need to add that as an addon? I think if you are pledging $100 it should be include, but I'm not sure if it is include.

  5. Golkiwu

    Golkiwu Member

    Sep 7, 2010
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    That is a Dev question for sure.
  6. Truwen

    Truwen Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    I was wondering, in the upgrade it's a full + 2 upgrade under the 15 dollar pledge. If I do that, will that add +2 guest slots to my existing +4 when my license is upgraded?

    Thanks again for the clarifications.
  7. Golkiwu

    Golkiwu Member

    Sep 7, 2010
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    All I can say is that in the past, they have been very gracious with requests of that nature. I am curious on the official line on that.

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