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Taking forever to import image

Discussion in 'Bug Reports & Installation Support' started by Robotguy, Jan 24, 2017.

  1. Robotguy

    Robotguy Member

    Oct 10, 2013
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    It seems about 75% of the time when I import an image (300-600 px square PNG from the hard drive) for a creature, D20Pro takes 1-3 minutes to import, basically locking up the software in the interim. The other 25% of the time, it's almost instananeous. I could MAYBE see this if I'm importing a large map or something, but these files are usually only ~200k.

    Edit: Sorry 3.6.11 on OSX 10.12.2
  2. Wesley Gorby

    Wesley Gorby Production/Community Manager
    Staff Member

    Aug 1, 2011
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    Do you have an inordinate number of images in your resource directory. D20PRO has to completely re-index all images when you import. If you have lots of images that can take a while. Sometimes it can appear faster, because it finds an open slot in the index early on, and just places the new file in the open spot. (at least as I understand it)

    You can save yourself some time, by placing files manually via file explorer, then when you launch d20pro, do an Options->GM->Refresh Resources.
    This is what I do when I have a bunch of token images I want to add, rather than doing them one at a time via the import mechanics.
  3. Wesley Gorby

    Wesley Gorby Production/Community Manager
    Staff Member

    Aug 1, 2011
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    Been talking to Owlbear about this.. can you tell us when you experience this is it initially when reading the file from disk or is it when you manipulate the image and then are saving it to the library? likewise, if you re-import the same image a second time, do you see the lag the second time.
  4. Robotguy

    Robotguy Member

    Oct 10, 2013
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    1. Yes, my campaign is a black hole that I have been adding to weekly now for 2 years, so inordinate is a valid term for the amount of images that I have.

    2. The lag comes when I hit the OK button and D20Pro says "Importing..." So for example I click the image on a char sheet, then "Import Image", "File", select the image, the preview pops up fast, then when I click OK, it takes between 30s and 2 minutes to let me out of that dialog, during which time I can't do anything else.

    3. It doesn't seem to happen ALL of the time, but I just re-imported a pic and it only took about 10 seconds.

    Am I going to need to clean house? I really like having access to all of my pics I've imported over the years, but I guess I can declutter a bit if neccessary.

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