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Updating Map to Players after every action

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by cranerat, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. cranerat

    cranerat Member

    May 1, 2011
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    This feature used to not be automatic. I would like to see this either selectable (send update to players automatically check box on/off) or return too the previous version where the map had to be updated by the GM when they chose to.
    Currently the auto update (and if it is selectable I have not found the switch yet) slow game play tremendously. After every figure is moved, it sends to the players an updated map. The more players, the longer it takes to update. This is annoying and as I said before, adds too much time to game play.
  2. Tay-Dor

    Tay-Dor Active Member

    May 15, 2016
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    If it didn't, I don't think you'd see anyone's movement.
  3. Wesley Gorby

    Wesley Gorby Production/Community Manager
    Staff Member

    Aug 1, 2011
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    It isn't doing anything (to my knowledge) that it has not been doing for the last couple years. There is still a 'rebroadcast to players' button on the top menu icons.

    It is not re sending all the art assets every single time someone moves a token on the board. the only way (I can think of) that might happen is if some people connected had some serious de-sync or internet connection issues.
  4. Tay-Dor

    Tay-Dor Active Member

    May 15, 2016
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    If he's using shadowcasting...that's what I see during my sessions when it starts getting laggy
  5. cranerat

    cranerat Member

    May 1, 2011
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    No, this started recently (within the last six months) and if shadowcasting is turned on, it must have happened by either accident or an update I installed. I realize without the update you wouldn't see anyone move. I used to be able to move multiple creatures and then manually broadcast the game to the players. On the other hand, each time a player moved, it would be broadcast back to everyone else when they stopped. I understand that is fine for the players, but when a DM has to wait for an update after his every action, in a single round, that delays the game tremendously. I will check that "Shadowcasting" setting. Maybe that's what has happened to my game and I didn't realize it. It did start happening after the update where the light sources was added.
  6. owlbear

    owlbear Administrator
    Staff Member

    Sep 5, 2011
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    On the GM side. Player movement always auto updates.

    I'll look into it and see what's happening. chances are you're right that it's a setting we built and failed to supply a toggle for.

    Will ping back in the next day or so -- currently working on the next beta!!!
    Lonewolf147 likes this.
  7. cranerat

    cranerat Member

    May 1, 2011
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    Thanks: Being able to toggle would be ultimate. Some games everyone sits on a local LAN and the updates are unnoticeable. But across a WAN, especially half way around the world (Had one in Germany and one in Iraq) kills the play.
  8. Tay-Dor

    Tay-Dor Active Member

    May 15, 2016
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    I host on the west coast and have players from central and eastern US and one from Europe.
  9. Blind2karma

    Blind2karma New Member

    Mar 6, 2017
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    @Tay-Dor - I also host on the west coast and have four players back east.

    @cranerat - On occasion, during sessions I've noticed a bit of a delay, an while I wouldn't at this point call it disruptive to our game it is still noticeable. Most in my group have pretty decent internet connections and gaming computers. As host I recently switched from a wi-fi to an Ethernet just to be certain I maintain a continuous connection. Having only recently moved over to d20pro I can't speak much on the delay or lag previous to the lighting source update. I can however say that in general regarding issues of lag or delays that less is most often preferred, but again here you must be the judge. With that in mind I would like to take this opportunity to say how immeasurably valuable your comparative experience is to those of us who have only recently begun using D20pro. Where you might perceive a slow down or inconstancy, we late arrivals would likely assume it all part of a normal experience and therefore like it or not we new members depend on your honest assessment of "what is vs. what was" to determine in what direction everything's headed. Ultimately it's only those with past d20pro experience who are truly capable of validating d20pro's continued overall improvement.
    So thanks for noticing:)
    Tay-Dor likes this.
  10. cranerat

    cranerat Member

    May 1, 2011
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    All, it's not lag that is killing my game. It's the fact every time I move a creature, even partially, because I want to show the moved path and use up movement distance, the game has to update all the other players each and every time. Even if the update is 15 seconds a pop, when you have 80 creatures on the playing area, good luck getting a turn done. What "Used" to happen was I cold move all the characters without a map update being sent to the players, the manually send an update to the players to show what had happened during the DM's phase. When it's a players turn that's fine that the game gets updated after every move or action. Without being able to turn off the Game update, the delay in play gets too long.
  11. Blind2karma

    Blind2karma New Member

    Mar 6, 2017
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    Ok I'm following you I think. In essence during potentially large encounters you're running the NPC's turn so that only the final result is visible. Reminds me of turning off the show AI movement function in many turn based games. I actually like that, certainly works well for handling large numbers who move together in a good guys turn/bad guys turn initiative order. I can see other reasons for manual control in essence behind the curtain staging, Hey! that gives me an idea what about a blindfold option or close the curtain type of idea, might even be handy to be able to select certain players as being blindfolded and others not. Anyway I totally understand why you're missing that ability now.
    Lonewolf147 likes this.

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