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Creating Monsters in 4e

Discussion in 'D&D 4th Edition' started by giorgos, Jan 4, 2017.

  1. giorgos

    giorgos New Member

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Hello people!

    I am new at d20pro and I have a question about creating monsters.
    I want to create a White Dragon Wyrmling. I go to the attacks and I see the following text:

    Bite (standard, at-will) Cold
    +4 vs AC; 1d8+4 cold damage.

    Claw (standard, at-will)
    +4 vs AC; 1d8+4 damage.

    Dragon's Fury (standard, encounter)
    The wyrmling makes two claw attacks. If it hits a single target with both claws, it makes a bite attack against the same target.
    So, I have no problems "importing" the Bite and Claw attacks in the "attack" tab of my new creature, but how can I create Dragon's Fury? First of all it's an encounter power and I don't see where I could select "encounter". It's ok if I can't "program" the monster to do the first two attacks, I just want to be able to SEE that this power EXISTS when I attack. Is there anywhere that I could write a note or something?

    I had the same problem trying to create monsters for 13th Age. The attacks are ok but then there are possibilities like "on a natural 16+ you add 1d3 poison damage". Again, I don't necessarily need my monster to add 3 points automatically, I just want to SEE somewhere the text when I choose my attack.

    For example, when I was using roll20, after writing /roll 1d20+X [...] I added in parenthesis (if natural 16+ then...).
  2. Wesley Gorby

    Wesley Gorby Production/Community Manager
    Staff Member

    Aug 1, 2011
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    It's purely situational, and as such left up to the GM to adjudicate as needed. There is no automation for it at this time. I would simply add the the Furry as an addition attack and fire it off as needed or warranted.

    While automation is awesome, there is a break point to which is removes flexibility from the GM. As GM I'd rather have the flexibility and freedom to manage a situation or scene, than have something force my hand via automation. The idea is to empower the GM, not do every single thing for him.

    just my 2 coppers course..
  3. Tay-Dor

    Tay-Dor Active Member

    May 15, 2016
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    If you want the power for tracking purposes...

    Enter the bite attack as Kril suggested.
    Then for tracking purposes, you could add an ability (in the abilities tab) called Dragons Fury with 1/1 charge and no effect.
    During play, if you hit with both claws, you fire off the ability (to track your once per encounter) then submit the bite attack.

    For your 13th age monster, but the poison damage as an at will ability that you can select after an attack that meets the 16+ die roll.

    Its not perfect, but there are things you can do for bookkeeping purposes.
  4. Wesley Gorby

    Wesley Gorby Production/Community Manager
    Staff Member

    Aug 1, 2011
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    If it is just a mental reference you want, then by all mean name your attack "Bite (16+ 1d6 Posion)", then have an 'At Will' Ability that delivers the 1d6 poison as needed or warranted you fire off when the situation arises..
  5. giorgos

    giorgos New Member

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Thank you all for your responses. The main problem is that sometimes there is need of some extra text to be added somewhere. For example, if an attack says +4 VS AC and the target is prone or 6 points of poison damage (save ends) I have to be able to see somewhere the things that I underlined. So, here's what I do. Let's say that I have the following power:

    [close blast icon] Breath Weapon (standard, recharge ) • Cold
    Close blast 5; +7 vs Reflex; 1d8+5 cold damage, and the target gains vulnerable 5 to all damage (save ends). Miss: Half damage.

    I create an attack normally (To hit: +5, Name: (cblast5) Breath Weapon (std), Damage: 1d8+5 cold, Crit: Max, Type: (i don't change anything), VS: Ref and I don't change anything to the last two fields. There is no place to write the vulnerability and what happens if the power misses. At that point I would be glad just to have a field named "notes" where I can place everything so when I attack and I see the dice and all, I could read this small paragraph. Again, I don't want the program to make the target vulnerable or subtract half damage; I can do it by myself. I just want to see it written somewhere.

    So, here's what I do. I copy-paste the entire monster stats in the "Description" tab and I create as many powers as I can in the "Attacks" tab. When I play I look at the description, choose my attack and do everything else "by hand". The problem is, since there is no possibility to format the text (tiles in bold etc) and I end up missing crucial information. That's why I was wondering if there is something else that I could do.
  6. owlbear

    owlbear Administrator
    Staff Member

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Hi all,

    I built a Young White Dragon for 4th ed using the newest beta (.21). This includes Features, Templates and Traits as well as the creature file.

    To use this, you'll want to import the Features, then Templates, then Traits and then import the creature file. I substituted some status effects because this build didn't have the correct types but you get the idea.

    The additional notes are on the GM Notes section and the Solo Brute (Level 3) is added as GM only annotation so if you mouse of the dragon you see that under it.

    Hope this helps!


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