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new to virtual tabletop gaming

Discussion in 'D&D 3.X Edition' started by vinja89, Jun 19, 2010.

  1. vinja89

    vinja89 New Member

    Jun 19, 2010
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    hello all, i just found this system after talking with a friend of mine wishing we could start d&d again, we have both played 3.5 (but not for a few years) until our usual group fell apart, and havent been able to find a local group since. im looking at this and fantasy grounds 2, so far from the promo videos this one seems like a better program, but i havent been able to use it yet. is there anyone that runs tutorial games so i can maybe get a feel for the system? i downloaded the trial version and if i can find a good gaming group or two i will definately pick up the players license.

    also i hope this isnt considered taboo but what are the opinions on d20 pro vs fantasy grounds? im just curious so me and my friend can make the best decision.

    (p.s. is there anyoen that has run deadlands campaigns on this system? ive enevr played it but it looks really fun)
  2. ogexam

    ogexam Member

    Jul 10, 2008
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    Daniel runs tutorials about every other week.

    Though right now we are gearing up to head to Origins next week. I am not sure when the next tutorial is scheduled.

    d20Pro has a lot more gaming features then the competitors. You are making the right choice going d20Pro. Try out both for yourself and i am confident you will be using d20Pro in the end.
  3. vinja89

    vinja89 New Member

    Jun 19, 2010
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    well thank you so much for the reply, and ive heard that you can import character chreator files for 4th edition? if so thats a big save on my part! i tried fantasy grounds just screwing around with it and the character sheet confused me a bit, been so long since i made a 3.5 character the 4th edition character generator spoiled me lol (granted havent been able to use any of the characters made, but its certainly fun making them! especially with the new hybrid rules)
  4. Thurgian

    Thurgian New Member

    May 17, 2010
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    I downloaded, and tried, all of the VTT's currently available; and while each one had it's strengths. I chose d20pro because it was robust and easy to use - ie it works like you would expect it too.

    There are a few things that d20pro could enhance; and the team seems more than willing to do so.

    Given the fact that you can try it for month for free, and the pricing is more than reasonable, I don't think you will be dissapointed.
  5. neofax

    neofax New Member

    Apr 24, 2010
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    OK, I own d20Pro and 6 licenses(IIRC), but it is not the best system out there. It is a good system and is getting better as the (IMHO most important think a company can do) developers, admins, artists... LISTEN to the players and are players themselves! I enjoy using it and is quite intuitive for the most part. What you can't pick up from the FAQs/Tutorials here and playing around with the system, the admins here on the forums are super fast to reply and suggest a way to do it, or inform you it can't, but they may add it in the future.
  6. vinja89

    vinja89 New Member

    Jun 19, 2010
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    well thats great, that sounds like the kind of company i would like to support. another question though, i hear alot of people mentioning skype? is that program almost essential to play a virtual tabletop game on? i dont have access to a computer microphone.
  7. Thurgian

    Thurgian New Member

    May 17, 2010
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    Some form of verbal communication helps;but it isn't 100% required.

    My players use Skype for OOC (Out of Character) communications; but all in-game communications are via the built-in chat feature.
  8. Yaourth

    Yaourth New Member

    Mar 21, 2010
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    We played with TS3 for the vocal. One player runs a server to share the broadband and everyone use it. It seems that vocal speeds up the game and we use chat only for private messages (just for mindgene guys : please, please, could you improve the private chat with a rapid access to private chans ? the /tell command is just too complex to use in game for have real discussions with a player...)

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