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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Wesley Gorby, Nov 15, 2017.

  1. Wesley Gorby

    Wesley Gorby Production/Community Manager
    Staff Member

    Aug 1, 2011
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  2. David

    David New Member

    Sep 4, 2017
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    What would I like to see? Current video tutorials. With bookmarks for specific topics (especially if the videos are longer). You advertise "New GM tutorial videos," but those are all old videos. Some of the tips and tricks in the videos don't work in the current build.
  3. Wesley Gorby

    Wesley Gorby Production/Community Manager
    Staff Member

    Aug 1, 2011
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    Videos will be inline with the new docs, here fairly shortly.
  4. Ualaa

    Ualaa Member

    Jul 26, 2017
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    I'll second the videos.

    When I started out, having some videos linked from the main page was really nice.
    But not all of the videos were that current.

    A little bit of searching, via google, found more relevant videos for d20Pro on the topics I needed at the time.
    They were excellent at explaining how to do something, but were buried within the forums.
    For example, the Syrinscape usage... excellent video, but buried.

    Having a developer and a couple of active experienced users, including a Community Manager, on the forums was a big reason for going with d20Pro over Fantasy Grounds.
    I like that if there is an issue, we have a fairly direct line to those who can bring in new features or point us to existing features which we were previously unaware of.
    For me, the developer presence and community manager presence are big things in d20Pro's favor.
    Tay-Dor likes this.
  5. Wesley Gorby

    Wesley Gorby Production/Community Manager
    Staff Member

    Aug 1, 2011
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    Thank you, that means a lot :) We enjoy it, we are all gamers so we do try to have the 'gamers for gamers' thing going on ..
  6. Blueter

    Blueter Member

    Feb 24, 2017
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    So I hate to beat a dead horse, actually I've never tried it so who knows, but yes video's and overall tutorials are needed. I know they are in the works and that's great. That said the average user isn't a computer tech, type person and just wants things to cause A+B=C. They don't want or care why just that it does. I feel that's why there has been a lack of "chatter" on the boards as of late. The release of Paizo products will also increase traffic and questions. It's great that behind the curtain a lot of work has been done and much appreciated BTW, but the normal Joe at this point has little to nothing to add to the conversation. Heck I know a few of the people that I play with have started messing around but they come ask me, how I've worked around things and what I've done (and as I have stated before on this forum I'm not computer wizard.) When you guys get the things up in none beta versions with video's and an online handbook, things will become more active.
    David likes this.
  7. David

    David New Member

    Sep 4, 2017
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    Something else I would like to see: The current D&D 5E rule set. You have the OGl and the PHB, but no DMG or MM. Plus there are the two new books (Xanther's Guide to Everything and Volo's Guide to Monsters). Your website says that at least the DMG and MM should be up already. Baring getting the DMG and MM up, I would suggest updating your website so it is accurate.

    -promise and over-deliver.
    #7 David, Nov 27, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2017
  8. David

    David New Member

    Sep 4, 2017
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    Bleuter is spot on. I know I mentioned it earlier and you have said they are in the works. There are SOOOOOO many features in D20Pro that I find myself lost. i just started using it and I know I don't use 90% of it simply because I don't know what the buttons do. For example, trying to import a map and adding adding grid lines- there are three (?) tabs and I have no idea what they do much less how to use them effectively. I am a casual gamer and don't want to spend days building a four hour adventure.
    I am more than happy to discuss ideas/suggestions for the tutorials.
    Ok. Done beating the horse.
  9. owlbear

    owlbear Administrator
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    Sep 5, 2011
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    Totally agree. This feel behind when, after the initial release, we hit a few code/core snags with the platform. It's taken months to fix these properly and get back on track -- we're still not 100% ready for the 3.7.2 launch.

    That being said, the MM is well underway, despite my changing some of the under pinnings. I expect we'll have that next as the MM is super helpful for all!

    Regarding videos -- Noted and yeah, as much as possible we're doing what we can on this front as well. Our team is spread a bit too thin on some of these topics and so I'm asking for more directed focus on specific deliverables. The result is that some folks will wait on a specific deliverable longer than others.

    Once our game plan is finalized on these fronts, I expect we'll post it to the forums for general consumption.
  10. Zandu

    Zandu New Member

    Aug 20, 2017
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    I would like to see a few more walkthroughs/examples of how to create items/spells/custom actions in the rules library. This seems like an incredible part of the system and after two days of reading everything I can find I don't have anything running yet. I think I understand the principles but having a few walkthroughs that I could follow would increase my proficiency and send me off to create new things.
  11. Mickey

    Mickey Member

    Jun 19, 2015
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    I second this! :)
  12. Wesley Gorby

    Wesley Gorby Production/Community Manager
    Staff Member

    Aug 1, 2011
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    We do plan on embedding video tutorials into the Docs for doing just this sort of thing. As you might imagine this is a slow process, video creation is tedious at best.
    Zandu likes this.

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