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Pause Screen Updates (aka the Coffee Cup)

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by HippyCraig, Sep 11, 2018.

  1. HippyCraig

    HippyCraig Member

    Jul 15, 2017
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    I know I may have mentioned this in Discord but I just had an idea to further enhance it. So let me start with the idea, a way for the GM to pause updates as things are added to a map or if the GM has to move to a different map and make some last minute changes but doesn't want the screen to update for the players. I know there are some work around for now, like placing tokens and using the move command instead of dragging the icon which would cause an update but in the middle of playing that gets forgot a lot.

    Now the new idea, that coffee cup does nothing there in the tool bar and I know it was put in as a gag but what if it were used to "take a coffee break", and pause updates while the GM fixes things and when the GM puts the cup down things resume.

    See what I did there, "Coffee Break", LOL
  2. owlbear

    owlbear Administrator
    Staff Member

    Sep 5, 2011
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    I approve of this retooling/use of the cup-o-joe.

    It will forever now be known as the coffee-break-button-of-gm-joy er... the pause button is probably fine I suppose.

    Anyway, great idea and likely not too difficult to implement!
  3. owlbear

    owlbear Administrator
    Staff Member

    Sep 5, 2011
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    And implemented.

    The behavior you'll see in the next release will be as follows:

    • GM pauses game using Coffee Mug icon (for now)
    • Player recieves notice that GM has paused the game
    • Player can no longer move tokens while game is paused
    • Players CAN access character sheets, spells and attacks allowing them to perform various actions with GM approval
    • GM can move tokens add new ones, change maps and what not without notification or update to the connected players
    • Game Log chat is 100% functional during the paused game state. This allows players and GM to communicate via the game log.
  4. HippyCraig

    HippyCraig Member

    Jul 15, 2017
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    Wow that was fast, I can't wait to try that out

    What was the story behind the coffee mug I remember bits and pieces of it as I think I was told once somewhere on this forum.
  5. Golldan

    Golldan Member

    Jan 11, 2018
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    This is a great idea and great use of the coffee mug - to have a "Coffee Break". I have not use the app that long, but it is hard when I have missed something and need to drag a monster token on and they know exactly what it is, or if a creature is summoned by NPC behind closed doors that was not planned, there is no way to introduce without them seeing in the log (there may be a way, but I am not aware of how)
  6. owlbear

    owlbear Administrator
    Staff Member

    Sep 5, 2011
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    So this is built not in the soon-to-release beta. Soon as I wrap up a few other aspects of the beta, I'll announce it's release!

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