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super judge license

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by zWolf, Apr 1, 2009.

  1. zWolf

    zWolf New Member

    Mar 30, 2009
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    I have a group of friends, they have never really Role Played.


    I know!

    I moved away from them to another state a couple of years ago, we have stayed in touch playing WoW, and Xbox 360.

    I have been excited to play some DnD with them on the fancy new Virtual Gaming Table that is releasing with the new DnD 4th ed. Rule books!


    what's that you say? they have been out for a year and still no word of when this, now appearing to be "vapor ware", will appear?!!?

    well, ok then! I'll look to the wilds of the internetz to fulfill my need. I have done my research, and now I'm torn between D20 Pro, Fantasy Grounds 2, and Battlegrounds. I have kind of eliminated Battlegrounds from the round up as they don't really offer any rule set support (though I really like the line of site by light source/player ability that's in the product.)

    what they do have is EXACTLY the kind of licensing that I need, so they are still in the running for that reason alone.

    Fantasy Grounds 2, appears to have a very large user community that's pretty active, so it's pretty tempting.

    d20pro, is also tempting just because it looks like it handles 4th ed pretty good, and looks like it has all or most of the elements that I'm looking for.

    Where I'm hung up is in the licensing.

    Since my friends will be noobish, I'd really like to just be set up so that they can play with the least barrier to entry as possible.

    I saw mention of a possible 'super judge license' that might be in the works, where I could buy a Judges license AND spots for my players to connect to me. I'm Really really hoping that this is something that might happen sooner rather than later here at D20Pro as if it were offered, I believe that would kick me off the fence and get me to commit my consumer voting dollars to the D20 pro product.

    I am hoping that others are interested in a super judge license as well, as I know that implementation of features at d20 pro is based some what on user interest, I beseech folks to add a 'me to' to this thread to show interest in buying a judge license that had player slots attached to it.

    Thank you for considering this,

    zWolf -out.
  2. Dan

    Dan Member

    Jul 8, 2008
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    ZWolf, We are certainly committed to revamping our licensing and have such scaled plans in the works. A super license is coming. Exactly when is something for us to get back to you on.

    Until then, I would recommend signing up for a 30-day trial. That will give us some time to start implementing such a license system (you are not the only one asking for this) and let you all get used to the product. We are certain that you will be happy with d20pro. In fact, I am personally volunteering right now to offer how-to sessions and support for you and your group, even during your trial period. My email address is dan (at) mingene.com

    I've done an in-depth competitive analysis of Fantasy Grounds and d20pro, and I would be glad to go over the two point for point. There is no doubt that Fantasy Grounds is good, but I honestly think we have them beat in the overall focus on VT software. That is, where FG spends time on eye candy, d20pro focuses on crunching numbers, handling hit points, initiative, effects, and attacks. We make your game play easier and allow you complete freedom in customizing your content.

    Please consider my offer. I'll be happy to work with you and your group until we revise our license policy. It's on the way!
  3. zWolf

    zWolf New Member

    Mar 30, 2009
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    that is a great offer! I'm going to download the client now, for the trial, and I'll contact you via e-mail to take ya up on a personal walk through. (in addition I'd love to pick your brain a bit on the comparison between ProFantasy II and D20 as I have a couple of questions.)

    Thanks again for the quick response and the offer of personal help. The fact that I have had personal responses back from 2 of the devs (Dan, and a pvt. msg from thraxxis,) in rapid fire, totally sells me on this being the product for my gamer group.

    Thanks guys!

    zWolf -out. (I'm Dl'ing the installer now.)
  4. cryptoknight

    cryptoknight New Member

    Jun 19, 2009
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    I too want to purchase a super-judge license. I'd be willing to follow the price point that Battlegrounds uses.

    I don't care much for Battlegrounds, it's just too clunky, but their licensing is exactly what I'm looking for.

    So my purchasing decision will be. As soon as I can buy 6 + DM licenses and install them on the server portion and have my friends connect and use my licenses while connected (use their own if they have one) whether that be Fantasy Grounds of D20 Pro, I will then spend the money to buy the above mentioned licenses. I wonder which company wants my money more. Until then it will likely have to be maptools :(
  5. Dan

    Dan Member

    Jul 8, 2008
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    We are certainly working on a license solution that will meet your expectations, and will be unveiling it with other updates this summer. Until then, grab a free 30-day fully-functional trial license for each person!

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