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Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by phloog, Aug 22, 2011.

  1. phloog

    phloog Member

    Jun 6, 2010
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    Perhaps an entire revamping of the chat system, but if not, at least an EXPLICIT command for whispering to another player, that upon failure to find the character named reports an error to the user, but NOTHING to the world.

    Irvin, Bob, and Zeke are exploring the caves, when Bob sees this:

    Irvin says "Zele, let's kill Bob and take his treasure!" as a general broadcast...something similar happened in my game - -someone has a typo and something meant to be whispered is broadcast.

    Like I said, in an ideal world there'd be this fancy system with a chat window for each character, and you'd click in that panel to whisper to that character (DM would still see all), but I would be happy if there was just a command that was separate called /WHISPER - - -basically make it mistake proof for the sneaky but fumblefingered.
  2. edwardcd

    edwardcd Administrator
    Staff Member

    Oct 13, 2010
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    Yeah, the chat interface could use an upgrade. I find myself using Skype's chat interface for communicating to my players directly without the others knowing (via instant message).

    This is probably something that may be improved over time, but I would rather have development time spent on other feature requests since there are other current alternatives to using the d20Pro's chat feature.
  3. neofax

    neofax New Member

    Apr 24, 2010
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    Not just that, the whole chat is text based. I would love to have some type of Markup language such as HTML w/ CSS or bbcode something. Having to click like 7 times to talk as a character is time consuming and then whisper is not even included in this talk feature.
  4. phloog

    phloog Member

    Jun 6, 2010
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    Have to agree to disagree with edwardcd...to me the essence of the game is people communicating, so rather than have the Wild West of choices, I'd prefer if rudimentary chat was perfected in the app.

    To me it's straightforward, and you can ignore the fancy stuff - -

    TELL <NAME> Says something but is prefaced with a reference - visible to all - - PHLOOG SAYS TO RON "Hey, hand me that goat!" - - - If it fails, you get a general announcement PHLOOG SAYS "Ro9 Hey, hand me that goat!"

    WHISPER <NAME>Says something specifically to ONE player, copying the DM. - - PHLOOG WHISPERS TO YOU "Psst! hand me that goat!" - - - if it fails to ID an actual recipient, it reports an error to the user.
  5. neofax

    neofax New Member

    Apr 24, 2010
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    What I was saying is the chat changes so the whole talk menu moves to it's own frame/window and the player has a talk box to type what he says/does/whispers and a drop down of all the tokens he owns and buttons that correspond to talk, whisper, emote and to whom he is whispering. The GM gets the same but for every token on the map. This way there is no error typing a name as the name would be present with a checkbox next to them or a second drop down box.

    I would also wish I could use markup to italicize, bold, underline span, div, table and such.
  6. phloog

    phloog Member

    Jun 6, 2010
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    Yeah, I don't disagree that what you're saying would be slick...only that I personally would be happy to just have a whisper command that fails to nothing if the name is wrong, instead of risking specific /Tell commands.

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