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Information management question.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mortalsavior, Jan 28, 2012.

  1. mortalsavior

    mortalsavior New Member

    Jan 28, 2012
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    Hey everyone, I'm contemplating purchasing the software but can't seem to find a answer to a certain problem I have. Using software like this I'm very keen on the idea of also tracking any and all information for my campaign virtually too. How do the rest of you go about doing this? For example, room descriptions, monster descriptions, town info (beyond just a image). Only thing I can think of is using a notepad or the like, which I'm not really a fan of. Maybe I'm missing a feature that is already part of d20pro. I have a two monitor set up so the second could be dedicated to such a use, however the notepad approach just seems messy and disconnected.

    Thanks for any help you can provide.
    - Mortal
  2. LordValerius

    LordValerius New Member

    Sep 28, 2011
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    Hey Mortal,

    I can totally relate to this..and it has been a headache for me for some time. Unfortunately, D20Pro does not handle this at all...which is ok, but neither does anything else out there. At least not very well. Most Campaign Management software is either ancient (circa 2001) or really crappy..in my opinion. I have scoured the Internet for something that will fit my needs to no avail. Closest thing I've found that gets close to being what I need is called Masterplan @ http://habitualindolence.net/masterplan/. However, it's programmed with 4th Edition in mind (I run 3.5/SRD) and although parts of it will work for my needs, the 4th Edition junk is too interlaced with it and it just turns me off from using it. If you run 4E, it may well work for you.

    Good luck!

  3. edwardcd

    edwardcd Administrator
    Staff Member

    Oct 13, 2010
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    You can create Map Markers which can double as descriptive text.
    You can create Creatures with descriptive text and use pictures of numbers for room descriptions.
    - If you use the "Description" Tab in the creature, this will be displayed to any player who clicks on it.

    Regarding the tracking of the campaign virtually, I do this via Google documents.
  4. Dragonmaster13

    Aug 31, 2009
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    Lone Wolf, the people who created HeroLab are working on a program called RealmWorks that should be able to do the job.
  5. Daeruin

    Daeruin New Member

    Dec 24, 2010
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    I have seen people using wikis and blogs to track campaign information. You could use a Wordpress site to create hierarchical pages and blog posts with different permissions to control who sees it, plus being able to use hyperlinks and such.
  6. mortalsavior

    mortalsavior New Member

    Jan 28, 2012
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    Thank you all. Yeah unfortunately masterplan won't work for me, i'm running pathfinder. Its a shame because it does look really good. I scoured the internet and found allmynotes organizer. The free functionality seems to be all I'll really need, although there were some other ones I'd prefer. Cost or os prevented that, Jorneler (sp?), to-do stickies and a few others I passed up on. I think i'll be fine with the suggestions made here and allmynotes. Thanks again!

    Got another question guess i'll post it here if not i'll create a new post. Anyone know how to change where d20pro saves you're campaigns? I want to move it to my dropbox folder.

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