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Any news on new D20Pro version?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by cyderak, Apr 11, 2012.

  1. cyderak

    cyderak Member

    Aug 9, 2010
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    Hey Mindgene guys,

    Any news on what we can look forward to in the next iteration of D20Pro?

    I have an idea of what I'd like to see(Map Thumbnails) in the next version of D20Pro.(Map Thumbnails) Something that would turn the VTT market on its head.(Map Thumbnails). Something revolutionary.(Map Thumbnails).

    Ready for it.........Its custom D20Pro skins.........Yeah, I can't say that with a serious face.........ITS MAP THUMBNAILS!!.........Blowin your mind.....Right?

    Hehehehe. :D :D :D

    In all seriousness, I think I can say we're all a little curious to know whats on the list of features for the next update.
  2. edwardcd

    edwardcd Administrator
    Staff Member

    Oct 13, 2010
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    The major overhaul is to the Fog of War system. A new feature that allows you to hide and show a full room with a single click (after you create the FoW), and it's not only defined by the grid, you can make circles, ovals, squares, polygons, etc.

    You can see an example over on d20Pro's google+ page: https://plus.google.com/108622074812635000672/posts
  3. LordValerius

    LordValerius New Member

    Sep 28, 2011
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    Trying not to sound too cynical, but with this band-aid to the FoW system, I see that it may work well for SMALL rooms (within typical light/vision limits)...but what about larger rooms, caverns, etc.? I imagine we are still going to have to manually do things the way we've been doing them. It is quite disappointing that this product is so good but still suffers from having no working DFoW or Light/Vision....Too bad Maptools is such an unwieldy bugger...

  4. AEIOU

    AEIOU Member

    Feb 5, 2012
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    If you can't limit how far a character can see based on their vision stats and some sort of blocking walls, the current FOW system is easier to implement and simpler to use. Erasing one large black not-necessarily-square square or a dozen smaller squares amounts to the same thing. Unless FOW is done properly, it should remain on the "nice eye candy to add someday" shelf with the animated dice.

    On the other hand, the system that any change whatsoever would be a quantum leap forward -- spells and effects -- remains a huge pain in the backside to implement, maintain, upgrade as characters progress and to transfer from one user to another.

    These are of course my humble opinions. But quite frankly, the developers have missed the boat on their choices for two major updates in a row now.
  5. edwardcd

    edwardcd Administrator
    Staff Member

    Oct 13, 2010
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    Since I've been using and testing the new Fog of War implementation, I can say that it is an upgrade from what we have in v3.1 and before. It does make it easier to define regions or multiple regions inside a room then one-click reveal each region. In addition, it does support a type of dynamic fog of war mode where if the creature goes into a region that has fog of war it can prompt the GM to auto reveal it by approving the action (this eliminates curious players to prematurely expose areas they shouldn't be yet). So it is a step in the right direction for what you are wanting d20Pro to accomplish.

    One of the major things for me personally, when I GM games is GM-prep work and amount of time spent managing the game while it is in process. I would say that the v3.2 take on FoW does decrease GM's time spent managing an ongoing game to reveal FoW areas that the PCs explore. That said, I'm in the same camp you are regarding the spell/effects/abilities aspect of d20Pro. I would like to have the spell system actually keep track of effects, descriptions, and a formula for damage/healing/etc (such as % level of caster +/- any modifier) that each character using the spell will take account. I'd also like players to be able to change their spell list and have the new spell list reflected upon "rest." I would also like a library of abilities that I could just add predefined abilities to new creatures without having to reprogram the entire ability/effect each time - (thus, if a creature has "Power Attack" feat, I can just add the ability "Power Attack" and not have to edit or add any attacks or create an ability for it, OR, something like "Rage", I'd like it to auto-calculate based on barb level +/- any modifiers and have a toggle for it when the player stops using it). I'd also like secondary effects (where if the creature passes their save, the effect isn't just half'd, there's actually a different effect that happens). And many other things that falls into the spells/effects/abilities wheelhouse.

    So, bottom line for how I view things (and I'm sure this goes for AEIOU also), the difference in the GM experience for FoW enhancements, and other new features and bug fixes that comes with v3.2 only decreases my prep and work time by roughly 5%. If however, there was the same effort put into enhancing the spells/effects/abilities feature set, it could have decreased my prep/work time by roughly 80%, especially when adding enemy casters with a complement of spells defined in abilities so combat is quick. Though, I do love the new features v3.2 brings to the table and I'm glad the developers are continuing to develop free improvements.
  6. Wesley Gorby

    Wesley Gorby Production/Community Manager
    Staff Member

    Aug 1, 2011
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    Yeah, lets ALL keep that in mind, as it is a wonderful aspect of this application.. Also one of the main reasons I picked it..
    As we have all seen in other Apps, once the gate has been opened on 'Paid upgrades' the app starts to suffer, people get discouraged, and it become a pain to keep up with.
    Not even mentioning the whole, 1/3 of your group can't or won't upgrade so even tho you and the rest of your group has, you can't use it scenario..

    I am all for the 'It's done, when it's done' philosophy, since it is free...
  7. Daeruin

    Daeruin New Member

    Dec 24, 2010
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    I'm very glad for the free upgrades, and I wouldn't be able to play nearly as much without d20pro. It's an invaluable tool, and at this point I almost couldn't live without it. On the other hand, I'm also a working stiff with four young kids and many other drains on my time, and every hour I spend recreating spell effects for the billionth time feels like a hour deducted from my very life. The reality is that I sometimes just don't get it done, and we end up spending game time trying to update effects on the fly (when it's worth the time, as for area effects) or just doing things manually. Either way, it's just feels like such a waste. I try not to complain too much, because most of the drains on my time are my own choice, and it just comes with the territory of being an adult and a dad. But at the same time, I see the potential for so much more from d20pro, and it's really tough to be patient. I've been using the software for well over a year now, and not a single one of the features or improvements I want has been implemented or is even on the list yet, as far as I know.

    So now for a dash of optimism. The new FoW features look pretty cool. I will enjoy the ability to define shapes that aren't bound by the grid. As in the examples you linked to, sometimes you have a structure where the walls are inside a square, and your only choice (currently) is to not show the walls at all, or else reveal part of the room. It will also be awesome to reveal non-square areas with a single click. That will be really handy for round rooms, branching corridors, and the like. I'm looking forward to it.
  8. cyderak

    cyderak Member

    Aug 9, 2010
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    When this next version of D20pro comes out, its gotta be a huge upgrade. Its taking forever to be released.

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