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My Created Maps

Discussion in 'User Created Content' started by DeadFreddy, Jul 26, 2012.

  1. DeadFreddy

    DeadFreddy New Member

    Jul 26, 2012
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    I wanted to start posting the maps I have made for use to the general public. I am proud of the maps I make and would love it if you use them in your games and give me advice as well. These are made using http://pyromancers.com/main/.

    Please post critisism and opinions!

    (Only one now. More to come as I make them)

  2. Dan

    Dan Member

    Jul 8, 2008
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    Thanks! On a related note, that Dungeon Painter Online looks great! How does it compare with Dundjinni?

    Maybe you can do a writeup for it?
  3. Lightangel

    Lightangel New Member

    Oct 29, 2010
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    Pyromancers seems to work will but I cant get the use your own items to work. I can get the packmaster to install!!! :twisted: :twisted:
  4. Montis

    Montis New Member

    Jul 2, 2011
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    If you're going to do more maps I suggest getting some online storage like Dropbox so you can post thumbnails and people don't have to go through an external Website like Mediafire to even get to look at the files. Also I suggest adding a file extension so people don't have to guess if it's a JPG or whatnot.

    I probably won't be using this map, but here's some constructive critisism:
    You should mark the staircases with letters, so people know which one leads to where - it's a bit confusing right now, especially since the staircases seem to be on the wrong corners of the rooms sometimes if I'm interpreting correctly.
    For the walls have you tried using the poly-line tool? That should help get rid of some of the "strange shadows", especially in the labyrinth part.

    I would also suggest using a picture manipulating software like GIMPor Paint.net to cut some of the unnecessary whitespace that bloats up the file size.
    I was also thinking of suggesting separate files for the different storeys, but that's a thing of taste and having only one map could also be really useful when used in d20pro (so you don't have to switch maps when some players want to go upstairs and some won't).

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