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My Experience with the New FoW

Discussion in 'User Created Content' started by Daeruin, Sep 15, 2012.

  1. Daeruin

    Daeruin New Member

    Dec 24, 2010
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    Right now I'm using the new Fog of War for the first time, and I wanted to report on my experience. There are a few odd behaviors that I'm not sure are bugs or if I'm just not using them right. I figured other players might benefit from some of my mistakes.

    The map was an underground cave complex consisting of about six caves and several connecting tunnels. The caves were fairly uniform, but the spaces in between them were more difficult. I started by painting a circle on top of each cave, then adjusting the circles to conform to the edges of the caves. Then I painted a series of overlapping hexagons or squares for the corridors, fused them together, and adjusted the edges.

    I tried to get the edges of the corridor sections to line up with the cave sections. It took me a while to figure out how to get the knot snapping to work. At first, I couldn't tell when knot snapping was on or off. I would drag the knots around, trying to get them to snap often without being able to tell if it had really snapped or not. Then I'd hit O to toggle knot snapping and try it again. Sometimes I had to toggle knot snapping on and off several times before I could get it to work for sure. If I switched to a different FoW section to try lining it up, I again couldn't tell if knot snapping was on or off, and I had to go through the trial-and-error cycle of moving them around again. Finally, I noticed that when knot snapping was on, the existing knots would appear in a very-very-very faint translucent grayish overlay when I started moving a knot around. This allowed me to finally tell for sure whether knot snapping was on and also allowed me to know if they were actually snapping.

    I still had some trouble. For example, when a knot was on top of a different FoW layer, I would sometimes miss clicking on the knot and hit the layer beneath instead and end up dragging that layer around instead of moving the knot, thus undoing all my work at aligning the edges of that section. Finally I realized that you have to make sure the knot you want to move is highlighted green before trying to click and drag it. A few times I still couldn't tell, because there were two knots virtually on top of each other (after fusing some sections together), and d20pro was highlighting the one underneath.

    After laying down several sections, I noticed that the list of sections in the FoW window was getting long, and they were all named "Circle" or "Hexagon." So I started naming them according to the area of the map they belonged to. The first time I did this I happened to be in Manipulate Mode. When typing in the section's name, it became apparent that the shortcut keys were being triggered by my typing, as the section turned visible when I typed a V. As I typed in all the names, I wished I could reorder the sections in the list so they would be better organized. As it is, they automatically appear in the order you create them. If you get a lot of sections, it can be a little annoying to find the one you need (even with the cool search box). I just like to be organized.

    I really like all the different shapes you can start painting with, along with the ability to merge and manipulate the edges at will. I was able to create a customized fog of war that worked really well for my map. It's a pretty sweet tool.

    Of course, it also took me like 2 hours to get the FoW all done, but a lot of that was getting past the learning curve and probably being more anal than I needed to be. All in all, it's a really cool tool and definitely a huge leap from the old FoW.
  2. Dan

    Dan Member

    Jul 8, 2008
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    Thanks for the feedback, Daeruin. The Fog of War interface is something we are looking to improve upon, particularly in terms of ease of use and visual feedback. For now, here are some pointers to help you get the most out of it.

    First, we have JUST released the new 3.3 Open Beta, that I think you will LOVE (I certainly do!). It now has a DRAW function that lets you simply click to place knots to make freeform polygons. Try it an you will be blown away how easy it is. :D

    Second, we now have negative space support, so you can make a map entirely covered by Fog of war and then just cut away from it.

    Grab it here http://forums.d20pro.com/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=1881

    In particular are these improvements:
    * Fog of War Improvements
    	- Added negative space as on option per Map. In this mode, any part of the Map that is not
    		covered by a Region is automatically hidden from the Players. This prevents the need to 
    		create Regions by hand to cover the blank spots on the map that are (typically) out of
    		bounds. Toggle this on and off using a checkbox in the FoW Window. 
    	- Added Draw Mode that allows freeform creation of Regions simply by clicking where you
    		want the Knots. Hold the Shift key to draw straight lines. 
    	- Added 'Easy FoW' control to Map creation windows that will flood the newly created Map with 
    		1x1 FoW Regions so the Judge may simply hide and show. This feature is for those who 
    		preferred the original Fog of War in v3.1 and before. 
    	squares on a Map.
    * Typing Boxed Text
    	Typing in the Boxed Text area no longer gets mistaken for keyboard shortcuts.
  3. Daeruin

    Daeruin New Member

    Dec 24, 2010
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    That sounds awesome! Those two features would have cut down my time spent by a ton.

    <goes and downloads beta>
  4. neofax

    neofax New Member

    Apr 24, 2010
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    I would suggest using the cut away method for FoW as it almost ensures you have no bleed through. Also, I have found that sticking to the maps predefined edges is not always the best way. I tend to block out caverns and such as this allows squeezing and the players understand where the wall truly is and don't need to ask me three trillion times if the wall is really where the FoW line is or further in. YMMV

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