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There are many suggestions like these, but this one is mine

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dr von Ghast, Sep 5, 2016.

  1. Dr von Ghast

    Dr von Ghast New Member

    May 19, 2016
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    Hello everyone,

    I have a few suggestions where a few might need some more in depth explanation.

    First one is about rotating templates. The placing template system works great for player's, just sometimes you want to place your template in a different angle. Not only with fixed boxes but also certain radius templates like a simple 10 or 15 feet burst could have made a huge difference between targetting a group of enemy's while hoping your ally/tank will make his safe and targetting even more ally's while keeping your frontliner as safe as possible. If this suggestion needs more explanation, please let me know and I am more than willing to supply screenshots where it shows the difference.

    Second follows up on the first suggestion and that would be a free form drawing template option. While making it an official template with all the template rules attached to it would have been amazing, I would settle with allowing players to draw their own 'aoe' instead of being forced to sticking to the basic templates.

    The third suggestion is an easier way to share files.
    While the system works with downloading files and waiting for all players to get every file before you can get ready to play. The players have two options. Either use stuff like google drive or other programs that let's you easily share small files or have them download them during the game. The first one needs all players to understand how file sharing works and the latter takes very long. If we all would have played along a LAN connection than all would have been fine, but to be fair, if that would have been an option we only needed the map and the rest would have worked out old school. Support for faster file sharing or more importantly easier file sharing would be very much obliged. So a DM in Antarctica for example can easily share his files, in advance of his session, to his player's who are located in maybe Europe or Australia?

    GM seat sharing.
    I understamd that this could be hard to implement when thinking of one gm who keeps all the files and you see no reason to allow a player to download said files and host them for said dm. imagine a DM who had great at his job but has a really crappy internet connection. Would it be possible to separate hosting in general from the options a dm has. Completely overhauling all info from the player to a dm would probably be to much, so I am suggesting a smaller change. All files stay with the one who hosts even including the creature templates and other things the dm might have wanted to prepare but hasn't send to the hoster yet. Allow that DM the actual 'dm'options that matter like entering initiative, adjusting hit points etc. So the hoster (with the better internet connection) can continue to play while the dm of the party can do his job even when his connection isn't up to the task.

    More chat options
    While /te <spacebar> <insert first 2 letters of recipients name> works, I noticed it becomes tiresome when the majority of the messages go behind the scenes. Think of games like shadowrun's different communication channels or white wolf in general and you will understand why there is a need for separate chat logs that you can initiate and keep open while playing the game.

    More in depth teaching tool
    I thought the basic tutorial explains more then enough when I start a new version and see the basic message pop ups that I need to remove whenever a new version gets posted. Two new players showed me that the basic info can use some more guidance. Would be nice to add a tutorial option in the basic menu that guides you through all the basic options. A guide that you can save and re-initiate whenever you are ready. I understand that like the template suggestion, this suggestion might need a deeper explanation to really show what I am trying to bring across. If there is any interest in a beginner guide option, just let me know and I will deliver rpg-testers who are unfamiliar with d20pro.

    Fix wall clipping
    I am sure it's on the list already because the new shadow casting is awesome! We know you guys are working very hard to reduce the lag issues and we already noticed a major reduction in lag. Just wanted to make you aware that characters who are partially on a visual square and a hidden square get their vision completely taken away from them. The idea works, but people rarely use 'melt into earth and I think a simple sollution would be to allow to full vision to characters who are partially clipped into a wall. Start the no vision whenever they are completely out of the 'game area'.

    5th edition d&d style reaction interventions.
    The dm switching players in their initiative roster works, but it would be nice to push up player's in the initiative without adjusting their place in the initiative roster.

    Percentage timer next to the player name
    The little loading clock next to a player's name is great to alert the host that the player is dowloading a map. Is it possible to show a percentage timer to show if the player takes a long time to download or maybe froze while downloading? Again a LAN connection works great but internationally it weird to explain to someone why a map of less than 1 gig takes more than a minute or so to load.

    Option to delete saved actions
    maybe this suggestion is just me not knowing the rules. But I can save a spell with a name and all the additional data connected to it, yet can't find a simple way to delete said spell.

    News overview
    While I really like the new site set up, I am suprised why I do not get a simple menu when I scroll over stuff like news. Even worse when I find the link that matters aka the forum link, there is no option that I can click to get back to the home site. That's just weird.
    Anyways about the news overview.
    I used to like Kril's blogs and I managed to find his blogs after clicking news instead of scrolling over it. While I don't mind giving him slack for writing advice for primarily beginner dm's, I cannot give him slack for simply not finding said blogs. This is not a complaint btw, just really suprised because the target audiance could have used that info more if they had an easier way to connect to a d20pro tutorial that included optional dm beginner tips.

    Site loading screen
    I liked the animation in the beginning, but why is there a dice loading screen? I thought this was a website and when you click something you immediately see what you want to see. Probably nice for slower computers but if there is a way to instantly move a person from website a to b, I'm pretty sure they won't care about a nice looking loading screen. Performance over quality isn't nice to hear but it might just be the thing people prefer when it comes to websites. If not ignore this suggestion.

    Loadable creatures
    We can insert the information into new templates, but how great would it be if someone did all the work for us and we just needed to download his creature file and we had access to the entire monstrous manual or whatever game you might be playing at the time.

    Allow cutting of avatar pictures.
    While everyone uses another program to cut up their avatar pictures I believe people would really love to have this options in D20pro itself. That said, this minor suggestion hasn't been voiced as an annoyance by any other player so far so ignore if deemed necessary.

    Allow player pauze
    While it may not be common to the majority of the common games, player interruption is a game tactic in a lot of table top rpg's. Allow player's to hit pauze so DM won't get hearing damage from overexcited player's

    The forum
    I still don't know if this is the right place to post my suggestions. Wish there was a general topic that you immediately see....There is one? Cool, just don't see where yet :(

    There are a lot more suggestions, but let's start with these:)
    #1 Dr von Ghast, Sep 5, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2016
    owlbear likes this.
  2. Tay-Dor

    Tay-Dor Active Member

    May 15, 2016
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    Hey there. This should be moot after the 5e set-up comes out. The Features library (somebody will correct me if I miss some detail) will have all the spells, class abilities, etc already set up and on the GM client. When player uses an ability or spell, the info would be pulled from the features library. There's some posts on the forums that give a little info about what to expect. So no more programing in a spell each time. It will also be able to handle level dependent variables.

    The control freak in me says "Heck no." GM's gotta learn to ride herd on his/her band of misfits. :)

    That'd be kinda cool.

    I second this. Caves with irregular tunnels make the wall clipping a bit annoying.
    Dr von Ghast likes this.
  3. owlbear

    owlbear Administrator
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    Sep 5, 2011
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    These are great! My responses are inline below:

    For the time being, we're somewhat stuck with "grid based" template. This is due to a very strict Integer match choice by the original development group. We do have a plan to replace integer math on the map with decimal math allowing for templates to be placed arbitrarily.

    There are really two paths to this. One is to fix the map so we can go gridless/hex/whatever. In this model, we'd simply allow the same template to be placed unlocked from the grid.

    The second path is related to the polygon work we implemented to handle the new fog of war and lighting models. This system allows for grid-free placement and detection of tokens however, it wasn't designed to create the kind of templates that the area effect system handles. That being said, it's still quite likely to be related to the final solution.

    Suffice it to say, this is on the short list of features we're planning.

    Now we're talking. The idea of painting "template" tiles or effect zones ties into Path Two from above. This is part of the second phase of the Feature Library. Basically, you'll be able to draw zones of effect on the map. These zones will be able to have their visibility toggled for players similar to hidden monsters. A hidden zone can still cause trigger events such as damage on enter, hinder movement, etc.

    The extended template system should be accessible to players and GM's alike.

    This gets in the "Vault" concept we're working toward. We have a small team (one guy + me sometimes) working on a new networking model which by-passes most all NAT and ISP issues. This also introduces a master server + facilitator model which will enable a cloud attached storage solution to contain/buffer campaign data. This also includes a requirement/concept of off-line access to character and/or campaign files for pre-loading.

    Yeah, agreed on nearly all counts. Some of the network concern parts are resolved with the cloud direction. We are looking at allowing remote GM'ing. Once this is available, you'd be able to connect to a "headless" D20PRO on our cloud network and GM a game which spawned on our hardware/network. There are lots of small and annoying issues with this model which we're investigating, but in the meantime, know that this is important to us.

    Additionally, we're looking at this for GM hot-seating -- i.e. you GM today, I'll GM tomorrow. Additionally, we're looking at how to grant more than one connected player GM rights. Some of the trick to this comes down to encoded content. D20PRO uses a GM's license to encode/decode content purchased from the Marketplace and/or private data (creatures, etc) sent to players. This gets tricky when you might have more than one "GM".

    Thoughts so far are around separating the concept of Host from GM. This comes form the board game concept. As an example, I can invite you over to my place to play a game. I own the game, but you might actually run it.

    The chat log system does need some extensions, however, it does support more than one channel, including private channels. You can also keep all of these channels open as long as you want. they get tabbed, but are otherwise accessible. Tearaway UI would be ideal here and maybe will come out of the UI pass that is woefully needed.

    amen. I'd say more, but geez this is a huge sore point for us. As an example, Kril and our Marketplace manager just schooled me on how to do some funky attack combining which lets you model things like flurry of blows, dual wielding and the like. Something that is 100% front line information which has been occluded to the point that few know how to do it. (ask Kril if you're curious or need this now!)

    So yes, this is priority. @edwardcd has been asking for suggestions on tutorial/training videos over here:

    definitely stop in and make lots of suggestions.

    ** NOTE: I hit a 10,000 character limit on this post -- egads!

    continued below....
  4. owlbear

    owlbear Administrator
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    Sep 5, 2011
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    Actually the requirement is that the wall line passes through the tokens midpoint or covers more then 50% of the token. The other option was light bleed into unwanted areas. But yeah, this is totally a known issue and one which will likely get a fix with the next pass on the Shadow casting engine.

    However, in the meantime, if you plan your fog of war around the mid-point of a grid unit rule, you can avoid this in nearly ever case.

    A trick that works with the current system is to put a thin line into a grid unit which doesn't pass through the middle. This can create a light block without turning off the players light. Check out the "hidden" tunnel on the Studio Basement SC map for an example of this.

    I think you're suggesting a "go now" then "go back" kind of mechanic. That seems doable. Right now, clicking on a character and pressing 'G' pops them to the front of the line so they can move, act, etc. What about if we stored the original location of the creature in the init and a second press of 'G' on the creature while active would send it back to it's original ordering?

    Possibly. I haven't dug into this code at this stage. Additionally, I'd like to avoid % timers which are woefully inaccurate. One of my favorite XKCD's is of the Windows timer GPS: You're 90% to your destination, 50% to your destination, 99% to your destination, 12% etc...

    One of the reasons many "streamed data" games use a completion bar is the tendency for variable routes to impede speed.

    Maybe a progress bar instead of a Mac OS era ( not OSX ;) )hour glass?

    Nope totally you. hah, nah, that's borked in the worst way. The Feature Library corrects this and then some. The upcoming feature library lets you define spell, template, duration, modifiers, and everything else in one breath then export, save, name, rename, whatever and load between campaigns without breaking a sweat -- well, unless you're me, then you sweat way to easily anyway...

    We're on it.

    OMG yes. HTML backed, with a version checker -- working on it.

    To quote the old knight guarding the chalice in that movie... we choose poorly.

    We choose a wordpress theme which has the worst load times since my 286 sans math-coprocessor days. The tape drive on my C64 loaded buck rogers faster than our website loads. I've made it out out retirement home parking lots faster than ... wait. overboard. yeah it's slow, we're working on replacing the theme.

    Publishers. We do this through the marketplace. Alternately you can export creatures from your library and share the d20_ctr files. These creature files can be imported into d20pro just like herolab or pcgen (only it totally works all the time!)

    Better image tools is on the board. we're also looking to separate tokens from portraits.

    Yup. makes sense. could easily be a player request pause, GM gets decision unless option is enabled in the game to allow players to pause without confirmation.

    Two ways come to mind to handle this -- one, a player issues a pause as an interrupt (similar to the above interrupt action concept) and that player is granted control along with the GM; or two -- the player issues a pause command and all action stops in the game with notification to all that the game has been paused by "player". In this model, I'd attach a chat log to the pause window to allow for folks to gripe/complain/discuss or whatever needs to happen to resume play -- GM would still hold the override keys.

    We opted to put the D20PRO Software topics below the Gaming Discussion to promote gaming over software as a topic structure. Other than that, you found a good spot for this, the other spot would have been feature requests -- two topics down.

    We tend to monitor the whole board so this or Feature Request work well for this type of talk.

    Hope the answers are to your satisfaction!

    At this stage, the biggest draw back we're facing is man power. We're limited in how fast we can respond to our desired growth and the growth requests from the community by the number of staff/developers we have. D20PRO is not a bread winner yet. It's not going away, but it's also not paying salaries at this time. My wife and I are still funding the development while we grow the business and the product. A large portion of my investment is donation of dev time. D20PRO gets roughly 90% of my time these days but it needs much more.

    So, if you've got friends, colleagues or gifted acquaintances, we're looking for help to grow this product into so very much more!

    - Owlbear
  5. Wesley Gorby

    Wesley Gorby Production/Community Manager
    Staff Member

    Aug 1, 2011
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    Wow amazing post T (Owlbear), thank you taking the time :)

    exactly, you found the right spot for your post... :cool:
  6. owlbear

    owlbear Administrator
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    Sep 5, 2011
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    Regarding the lighting/irregular wall question. This is a segment from RappanAthuk which I've been attempt to rework


    as you can imagine, a character carrying a light source through that mess is going to be a pain in the bugbear.

    The current solution is kind of funky looking but works rather well.

    RappanAthuk Break area.gif

    Obviously this can be improved still, but it's something for now!
  7. Dr von Ghast

    Dr von Ghast New Member

    May 19, 2016
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    You gave me a lot of food for thought.
    Hoped for a simple 'we might take this in consideration' notification, but instead got a whole lot more.
    Real shame that d20pro hasn't gotten the full exposure yet that it deserves. On the other hand we already know that D20pro is such a solid product that it is only a matter of time untill you guys get the majority of all online 'table top' players and with them more manpower for you to add to your ranks.
    In the state that d20pro is now, it's already far ahead of the alternatives.
  8. Wesley Gorby

    Wesley Gorby Production/Community Manager
    Staff Member

    Aug 1, 2011
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    Part of the reason I wanted to be a part of D20PRO was the "we are gamers, who wanna make cool things for gamers.." feel that the company and team exudes. I can't really think of a time where anyone involved has ever given someone a response of "that's the way it is." answer to anything, unlike a lot of big companies and the like.

    They are always willing to listen, explore and consider possibilities.. May not always be able to do everything, but certainly will entertain, explore and discuss the idea or concept involved...
    Tay-Dor likes this.
  9. Tay-Dor

    Tay-Dor Active Member

    May 15, 2016
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    Re: the wall clipping the Original Poster experienced in my game, it looked a little like this.
    GMView.png Here is the GM View where you can see the token clipping the wall, but his light source (60 Darkvision) clearly illuminates the dead creatures that are set to dynamic visibility.

    PlayerView.png Here is the Player View. He can see the hallway, but not the dead creatures.

    Gotta say, I like the "funky" solution you posted. :)

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