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two small bugs

Discussion in 'Bug Reports & Installation Support' started by Nezzeraj, Jan 18, 2018.

  1. Nezzeraj

    Nezzeraj Member

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Encountered three small bugs, both in the game log.
    1. When staggering a creature, the condition appears twice.
    2. The attack description shows up after the results. I'm not sure if this is 100% a bug or just how the gamelog is coded, but please reverse this so I can see what the attack is first and then see the results.
    3. Again I'm not sure if this is a bug or a decision to make results easier to read, but in the gamelog sometimes the die result uses the blue d20 die icon, and sometimes the TOTAL result is shown using the die icon. I was very confused for awhile wondering why some attacks were missing because I thought the die only showed the actual roll, not the total sometimes.

    Windows 10, ver., 5e rules. Screenshots attached.

    Attached Files:

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