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d20 2.2.0

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by Nighteagle, Aug 4, 2010.

  1. Nighteagle

    Nighteagle New Member

    Mar 1, 2010
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    I am very happy that the new version of d20 is now available, and especially happy that the Reflex save bug was fixed. But I am very sad that my request for a mechanism to handle nonlethal damage was not one of the updates...any hope of this coming soon? Running my game this Saturday in which the characters are being attacked by thugs armed with saps (nonlethal damage) is going to be a pain.
  2. KainPen

    KainPen Member

    Apr 16, 2010
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    just let it keep track of the damage as normal. I don't remember but isn't to knock some one out with subdual damage you have to do half there MAX hp or is half current HP. either way just heal the character to max hp. write down it real hp on sheet of paper or note pad. and every point of damage they get is going to be subdual. you know the rules and the effect it just up to you to enforce said rules. same thing if player is attack trying to do it just make sure to tell them to notice there attack by -4 before they send the attack for your to confirm. really not that bad. i am sure what you requested will be add to the system eventually. you request it in march. it really was not that long ago. I sure they stuff they are putting in now are request from before that some of them may not have been but they may have fit with what they are doing. it will happen. but hope these guys take on dymantic fog of war first. People been wanting that for a while now.
  3. Nighteagle

    Nighteagle New Member

    Mar 1, 2010
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    I was simply restating one of my requests, though I recognize that there are a lot of requests and that obviously they can't fulfill every one of the requests immediately. Subdual damage in the Pathfinder system (evoluation of D&D 3.5) is when subdual damage is greater than CURRENT hit points, then person becomes unconscious. The modification of the software that I asked would be a lot easier than adding dynamic fog of war.

    And speaking of dynamic fog of war, that is certainly a "modern" convenience that was not available when sitting around the gaming table and drawing with markers on a battle map (which I have done for many years). Several times I have been reminded by other posters on the forum as well as by one of the administrators that d20pro is not a game in and of itself, and therefore I should not be looking for EVERYTHING to be automated by the system. The request for dynamic fog of war (and blocking terrain, and the likes), seems to be asking the software to become "the" game. I was just looking for another way to make keeping track of the multiple statistics that can affect a character easier (hit points, nonlethal/subdual damage, ability damage, attack modifications, damage modifications, spell effects, the list is almost endless.)

    When I first started using d20pro, which was after using Klooge, briefly trying out Battlegrounds, and a few of the other free virtual table top applications, I was very happy with the software as well as with the developers, who seemed to show an honest effort to solicit improvements for the software (via this forum) and responded well to those suggestions. However, in the last few weeks, the posts that I have placed (which were the result of my enthusiasm for the software and a honest desire to help improve the software) have often been met with ridicule from other users and the forum administrators/product developers.

    Perhaps this is simply a result of the pressure to complete the new release for Gencon, or maybe the developers are truly tired of hearing from "whiny" customers who want everything and do not seem to ever be pleased. Either way, I no longer have any urge to read the forums or bother posting my suggestions because I really don't need the aggravation of sarcastic or demeaning replies to my posts.

    I am not unfamiliar with the demands of rpg related companies, that are more often than not, run by people who also have full time day jobs. I worked with my husband to start and run Pinwheel Games for 5 years before I told him that the work was too much given my other work and family obligations. However, I would still hope that my requests posted on this forum would be taken seriously and evaluated honestly and politely.
  4. KainPen

    KainPen Member

    Apr 16, 2010
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    i am sure it will get in their, as you're request would be very useful. May be write down current HP on paper or note pad. Then you can edit the character max HP to what current HP is. Then do damage as normal. I don't think when characters reach dead status they can still attack or move. they will just turn in to skull icon and when they reach double current hp in damage you can say your out. might help you keep track of it better.

    I am personal not to worried about wall blocking and stuff like that but i would like to see in the fog of war, where you can set player visual range and it displays that in a radius around the token of the character and as they move it darkens behind then and reviles forward what they need to see.

    I think dev are getting interested in giving us more option or the ability to toggle things on and off. we did a lot of talking about it during beta of 2.2 testing.

    I don't think they can legal make it a game. that why they said that. but you can add more automation as long as you the DM has to give conformation. I like to see all dice rolls sent to confirm by dm. Not to sure about it with fog of war thou. have to check legally. Sorry about any ridicule you gotten from other posters. I see a use for all the suggestions that people put on here. provided DM has the ability to turn in on and off.

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