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Preentered d20Pro Content, Small Module

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ogexam, Aug 18, 2010.


How much for a small module (3 to 5 maps)

  1. $1 to $2

    9 vote(s)
  2. $3 to $4

    25 vote(s)
  3. $5 to $6

    14 vote(s)
  4. The same price as the module itself

    6 vote(s)
  5. other

    1 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. ogexam

    ogexam Member

    Jul 10, 2008
    Likes Received:
    We would like to know how much users would be willing to pay for a module to be preentered into d20Pro.

    This would be the maps, creatures, and handouts. They would be zipped up and all a user would need to do is unzip them into the campaign folder and then when they start the judge version it will be listed as a campaign to select.

    A person would still need the module itself to be able to run the module since that is where the story data will be contained.

    This poll is for a short module, something that is finished in a few hours, like Pathfinder Society modules(http://paizo.com/store/byCompany/p/...hfinderSocietyScenarios/season1/v5748btpy8dai).

    You can make two selections in this poll.

    If you select other please reply with what the other would be.
  2. Ty1976

    Ty1976 New Member

    Nov 20, 2010
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    I would be very excited to have the PFS Modules packaged for D20 Pro. We have a monthly game day in our town and I would love to run the Scenarios with d20 pro. I am just not savy enough to make my own. I would gladly pay a $3-7 for it. It would even be better that if Paizo would have an option on their website to purchase both at once. Also, I could probably get more GM's to want to run stuff with D20pro if this happens.
  3. Eolyn Trueblood

    Eolyn Trueblood New Member

    Apr 26, 2011
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    I would also buy the Pathfinder Society modules. Creating a couple maps and doing the npc input really should be easy enough to do myself, but thats not the point - I'd rather spend my time being a better GM than fiddling with the program.

    I also second the idea about getting Paizo onboard. They already have thier website setup to offer Printed or Download versions at different prices - if you worked out a deal with them to offer a download version that included all related d20Pro files for a couple extra dollars it would bring a lot more business your way, even if it was a lot less payout to you for each sale.

    I only purchased d20Pro (versus a couple of the competing products) because of the integration with Hero Labs. The easier you make it for people to use your software with specific game systems the better!

    Eolyn Trueblood
    "Never Fear! Eolyn's Here!"
  4. cyderak

    cyderak Member

    Aug 9, 2010
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    I second this motion.
  5. neofax

    neofax New Member

    Apr 24, 2010
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    Not willing to pay more for the d20Pro content than the module itself since I can do the leg work. If you get the OK from Paizo, let me know as I would be willing to help out with making the modules and can provide references on how I setup my PFS modules. Also, if you are going to do the modules, what is the possibility of also receiving the creatures/npc's in HeroLab .por or .stock to make it easy to run the module?

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