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Looking for players for a game.

Discussion in 'Pathfinder' started by bigkilla, Dec 4, 2010.

  1. bigkilla

    bigkilla Member

    Apr 26, 2010
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    I am looking at starting a new Pathfinder game and looking for some new recruits. At this point I'm trying to gauge interest from users of this site and I am looking for more people to play. I will list a few requirements and features of the game I am running. Please read all of the information as this might not be the game for you.

    And a few things first before you read further. Please do not respond looking for a chance to play if you are unwilling to play the designated hours for each spot. Please do not respond if you are not serious. Please do not respond if you are not willing to play at least 2 times a month. Please do not respond if you do not plan to stick with the group for the long run. I have no problem if you join the game and after a session or two do not like the groups or my playstyle or attitude, that is fine but at least have the courtesy of letting me know you will not be continuing.

    Ventrilo will be required. You must have a microphone and be willing to speak. This is a must. (Free download)

    A updated version of D20pro and updated Java will be required to play. (Free as a player, I have 8 guest slots.)

    Participation in the maintenance of Google Web Site
    Each player will be expected to update information on the games Google Site in regards to their character, it is also a amazing tool for communication between game sessions.If you do not know how to work on a Google Site it is easy and I can help anyone that needs help as I am learning as I go as well.

    Google Wave
    I will have a Google wave up and going for my game where players can discuss the game, take votes on when to play the next game session and to just generally BS. It will not be required to use the wave but I have found it to be a invaluable tool for organizing the game.

    Play day Fridays. This game I would like to start at 5PM PST until around 11 or 12PM PST or later (if we decide to call things a little early or play later that is fine) but I would like the game to be around 6 to 7 hours or more a session. Not sure if it will be weekly or every other week at this point, I will leave that up to the players. If I get enough people interested in the games or enough people who cannot play on Fridays I will consider running a mid week game on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday as well.

    For this game I am looking for 4 or 5 players. All classes and races from the Pathfinder Core and APG are allowed as will most rules from any Paizo Pathfinder product. No 3.5 materials allowed. No evil alignments allowed unless you can work it into a good back story as to why you are evil and what your motivations will be.

    I would really like to have 1 player play a Paladin dedicated to a campaign specific god, and for most of the other characters to be generally good aligned. the world will be the World of Golarion with a little bit of change to fit the campaign in (a few new cities and gods with some slight history changes). The game will have a heavy dungeon crawl aspect to it.

    I am using Hero Lab to import character into d20pro so not all of the Pathfinder info is available to be used but I try my best to modify and make stuff work. I absolutely loathe Min/Maxers and if those are your intentions DO NOT expect to play in my games (optimization is fine but when you start dumping charisma and other stats I will expect you to play up those flaws.) Character and personality are what I am looking at in players not stats. I have a character creation document that I will give to player’s interested in my games which is a pretty generous and heroic point buy and creation method.

    Other notes

    I am a stubborn @sshole who has been Roleplaying for 30 years but just got into Pathfinder a few months ago with never really playing DnD past 2nd edition. I’m still not 100% on the rules and I am learning as I go. I have no problems with players pointing out rule to me that’s fine, but be prepared for me to ignore anything you tell me about rules, I will usually take what you say into account but I have been playing and GMing along time and I am very stubborn and can be downright mean at times. With all that said I am usually very easy to get along with. Games are usually enjoyable. My games will have alot of combat if you choose or a lot of roleplay if you choose I usually let the players set the pace on that kind of stuff and if you enjoy one facet over the other I'm fine with either choice. Along those lines I do not lead players around by their noses, if it comes to spots where players are at a lack for ideas on what to do or are lost you are basically SOL in my games. Expect character deaths, I will not shy away from killing the party off if that is the situation you get yourself into, I also will not go out of my way to try to kill of a player or party. Also I do not strictly go by the rules but I expect you to go by mine.

    If you are still interested in either game email me at VanceludemannAThotmail.com

    If you apply to this post please reply to me answering the following questions.

    What days/times are you available/willing to play?
    How often are you willing to play?
    Do you have Ventrilo and a working microphone with the ability to speak?
    How much experience do you have with Pathfinder, roleplaying in general and D20pro?
    How would you describe your playstyle?
    What is your character concept?
  2. RoryN

    RoryN New Member

    Dec 4, 2010
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    Well, you already know I'm interested. I'll work on a character concept and get it to you soon.
  3. Scruffy Scoundrel

    Scruffy Scoundrel New Member

    Dec 6, 2010
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    Hi there,
    I'm interested in joining, I've just got a couple questions.

    When are you planning on starting?
    Will you be running your own campaign, or an Adventure Path?
  4. Scraht

    Scraht New Member

    Dec 6, 2010
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    Hi! I was PMed about this game on enworld, and myself and my fiance would like to join! We can easily commit to fridays, and this looks like a game we'd be interested in playing. One of us would be a wizard (me).

    Note: We are not currently together, so we will be playing from two separate connections.

    The first one, Joseph (That's me):
    What days/times are you available/willing to play?

    -Weekends from friday to sunday evening (Sunday at 10 pm is pushing it)

    How often are you willing to play?

    -As often as we can arrange it. Multiple games a week are very nice =). It may not always happen though, since scheduling can be difficult.

    Do you have Ventrilo and a working microphone with the ability to speak?

    -I have a working mic, and I can get Ventrillo no problem, it's free.

    How much experience do you have with Pathfinder, roleplaying in general and D20pro?

    -I've never used D20pro, but I am very willing to learn, but I have 7 years playing experience, 7 years dming experience (colors my perceptions as a player)

    How would you describe your playstyle?

    I love spellcasters, not for the ability to destroy, but for the bag of tricks aspect. I love looking at my spell list and saying "How can I use this to affect the world around me?" I'm sorta an architect, I love to changes things in the environment. I love to establish ties to communities, design buildings, set up groups and politics, through my character. I would totally dig setting up a thieves guild in a city, for instance, and then roleplaying rivalries, and try and lead us to be the best, for instance. (This may not work well with other players, and i'm very willing to accept that and abandon any plans I might have or make). I would rather talk my way out of a situation than kill my way out of a situation.

    What is your character concept?

    For the longest time I've wanted to take a wizard and really make him something special. From level 1 to greatness. Become known far and wide as the great, 'whatever,' unfortunately I have not had a game where I had much of a chance to do that. Each iteration of this person changes from game to game, but I'd like to know more about the world we'd be in before I wrote anything up.
  5. bigkilla

    bigkilla Member

    Apr 26, 2010
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    I will probably try to wait until the first of the year as people tend to be occupied quite a bit during the holidays.

    And for the campaign, it would be old 3.5 stuff from Necromancer Games that I converted to Pathfinder. I am currently running the same campaign for a Sunday group and this will be a reboot of my Friday game that ended last week in a TPK where all but 1 player decided not to continue.

    So scruffy and Scraht please send me a email so I can get your info and possibly send you some information on the game. Vanceludemann AT hotmail.com
  6. Scraht

    Scraht New Member

    Dec 6, 2010
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    Hey, this is the second half of Scraht (Dave)

    What days/times are you available/willing to play?

    -Same, weekends friday-sunday. 11 PM EST would be my cut off if we ever played on a Sunday however.

    How often are you willing to play?

    -Again, same. As often as we can. Hopefully once weekly would be the minimum standard

    Do you have Ventrillo and a working microphone with the ability to speak?

    -Working mic, and will download ventrillo.

    How much experience do you have with Pathfinder, roleplaying in general and d20pro?

    - I have five years roleplaying experience, four years GM experience

    -I have played/ran in no particular order D&D 3.5 (my first game ever played), Star Wars d20, Call of Cthulhu d20, Silver Age Sentinels, Mutants and Masterminds, Vampire: The Masquerade, Vampire: The Requiem, and Pathfinder.

    -As for experience with Pathfinder, I've been playing it since it was in Beta.

    -I have never used d20pro before but am willing to learn.

    How would you describe your playstyle?

    -I love getting immersed in the world around me, experiencing it at lower levels and working to change it at higher ones. Dungeon crawls, killing monsters and and taking there things, thats fine, and it has its part in the game, but to me its not that important of an aspect. I would much rather work to build things, to create NPC relationships and ties. If the world is vivid and dynamic then as I player I tent to get very invested in it.

    What is your character concept?

    -I only found out about this game tonight so as of yet I have none. But like my fiance said I would like to know more about the world were playing in before I really come up with something, is it a world of your design or an existing one?
  7. bigkilla

    bigkilla Member

    Apr 26, 2010
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    So far I have confirmed 3 spots filled by players from my previous of current campaigns. I sent everyone who responded a email with some information so I can nail down a final roster and get the game going.

    Spot #1 Paladin
    Spot#2 Wizard
    Spot#3 Fighter
    Spot#4 Open
    Spot#5 Open
    Spot#6 Open

    At this point there are still 3 spots open that I have 3 potential players interested in (the 2 Scraht's and Scruffy Scoundrel) I'am still taking applications from others in case those players do not want to play or do not work out, or for a game on a possibly different day.
  8. neofax

    neofax New Member

    Apr 24, 2010
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    I would be able to play, but 7 hrs would be stretching it as that would be 3am here. I can only do Fridays as most other days I have games I am playing already. If invited, I would like to play either a Rogue or an Inquisitor depending on if you allow the APG. I have some d20Pro experience and am pretty familiar with Pathfinder. My playstyle is laid back and go with the flow of the group. I particularly do not enjoy house rules creep, but understand the need. I much prefer the DM makes a decision and then talks it over later to keep the immersion of RP going.
  9. bigkilla

    bigkilla Member

    Apr 26, 2010
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    OK. It looks like the game is basically filled for now unless someone wants to come along and take up the reigns of a healer. I will post here again if and when spots become open.

    Spot #1 Paladin
    Spot#2 Wizard
    Spot#3 Fighter
    Spot#4 Rogue/Wizard
    Spot#5 Rogue
    Spot#6 Cleric (GM NPC OPEN SPOT)
  10. cyderak

    cyderak Member

    Aug 9, 2010
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  11. bigkilla

    bigkilla Member

    Apr 26, 2010
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    A dwarf cleric would be fine or any other class race you would like. I actually have 3 spots open but a cleric would be beneficial, that way I would not need to run a NPC.

    Spot #1 Paladin
    Spot#2 Wizard
    Spot#3 Fighter
    Spot#6 Cleric (GM NPC OPEN SPOT)

    If anyone else in interested contact me at Vanceludemann AT hotmail.com or AT gmail.com We will be starting the campaign possibly this Friday 12/17/2010 if not then it will be Xmas eve 5:30 PM PST until we decide to quit.
  12. bigkilla

    bigkilla Member

    Apr 26, 2010
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    Still looking for a few good men/women. If you cannot play over the holidays send me a email letting me know you are interested and I can get back to you after the first of the year or send you info to start making a character.
  13. vell0611

    vell0611 New Member

    Dec 24, 2010
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    Dibs on Elven Rogue and merry Xmas. :p

    E: Would like to know more about the setting too.
  14. mbran01

    mbran01 New Member

    Dec 24, 2010
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    I am interested. I prefer to play wizards but I am open to anything.

    What days/times are you available/willing to play?
    Pretty much any.

    How often are you willing to play?
    Once or twice a week

    Do you have Ventrilo and a working microphone with the ability to speak?
    No but I can get it easy enough

    How much experience do you have with Pathfinder, roleplaying in general and D20pro?
    have the core rules for pathfinder, read through it, created a couple of characters. I have been roleplaying for about 17 years or so. New to d20pro

    How would you describe your playstyle?
    I like details

    What is your character concept?
    I think a female human wizard seeking somthing (powerful magic item, lost loved one, missing mentor, something along those lines).
  15. bigkilla

    bigkilla Member

    Apr 26, 2010
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    Those of you who have expressed interest in the game and have not emailed me please do. I have had a rather large number of people interested in playing over the last few days and all the spots will be filled. By looking at the group make up so far someone is going to have to bite the bullet and play a healer if they want a spot in the group as all of the roles other than healer are already taken.

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