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Playing Characters Ownership

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by yosoyleko, Aug 13, 2009.

  1. yosoyleko

    yosoyleko New Member

    Aug 13, 2009
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    I am really new at this game table and forums.

    However I have an idea I think nobody asked for yet.

    See, when you are a player, you want to take care of your playing character and her sheet as nicely as possible.
    And in d20pro, the only way of adding levels, modifying saves, etc. is through DM. Also, it is kinda nasty to try and "buy items" (typical bulk-potion buy), because "Creatures" can only add items through "picking them up". Creating dozens of potions for players to pick up is no good solution for me...

    Maybe I just haven't experienced enough of the game, and there are alternatives... Even so, they are not clear for me and could definitely have shorter cuts.

    So... in short, what I'm asking is:
    - GMs should be able to give a special ownership to players in which they can modify more aspects of their "creature" such as
    ..... adding items
    ..... adding levels
    ..... adding spec abs, feats, saves, whatever

    Another thing I'm thinking of is adding the possibility of "facing" for tokens in the maps. Right now, I don't think that possibility exists (again, maybe I haven't explored it yet). But it could be quite useful. Actually, instead of what many other VTs do, just adding a small coloured/transparent arrow pointing to the facing direction would be much more helpful (and less connection heavy) than rotating the token itself.

    Finally, I just want to add to the praise of this game. I tried them all. From iTabletop to FG to every other... and this one is the most solid and stable I have ever tried. I'm definitely sticking to it (however, only for d20 games... snif). You GUYS ROCK!
  2. thraxxis

    thraxxis Member

    Jul 8, 2008
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    Hail and well met yosoyleko,

    Thankyou for the feedback and compliments, they are most appreciated. :D

    • You are correct in that, as of now, only the DM may edit creatures. You have also been using the ability for Players to pick up items, though I agree completely doing bulk operations such as buying a bunch of potions is too cumbersome. In short, Players should be able to more easily edit their characters, though I feel the DM would need some kind of audit ability so a Player doesn't mistakenly end up with items, stats, abilities they really shouldn't. Both of these aspects should be improved, and I'd like to get more input on how these features would work the best.

      Creature facing is not in yet, though this is on our short list. We intend to provide a designator (such as the arrow you describe), plus the ability to rotate graphics. Graphic rotation has a lot of possibilities with map tiles as well, so we'll provide it for Creatures and Items too. Though actual facing would be independent from the rotation of the image, it would have an indicator as mentioned above.
  3. Dan

    Dan Member

    Jul 8, 2008
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    Also, keep in mind that you can directly add items to player inventories by editing the characters and clicking on their item tabs, so adding multiple potions should be done that way.

    Perhaps a player could make a change to his/her sheet, and the GM would get a pop-up saying, "Player X has made the following modifications: a, b, c, etc"

    Or maybe the GM can set an Edit mode for players - turning on or off the ability to modify characters. That way players can't edit info willy nilly.

    Maybe a combination of the two above?
  4. yosoyleko

    yosoyleko New Member

    Aug 13, 2009
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    Actually, yes. I think a combination of the two could be possibly what would solve this problem.
    I hope it is not too hard on the coding part (actually, I think that because edit commands are already coded, you just have to allow players to get in there to make it work, right?). Turning on-off player editing is a nice addition to that system, although I think I trust my players enough so I would leave it on.
    The last remaining aspect is what can they actually edit? Obviously, the first restriction that differs from DM edition is that they should only be able to edit when they select Owned creatures. But more so, should they access only certain aspects?

    Of course, my intentions are to get as close to the tabletop version as possible. So... trying to provide an easier alternative on this matter, I make an imaginative exercise....

    In a traiditional table top game...
    1) can players modify every aspect in their sheets at will?.... Well yes they can. They have erasers, pencils and sheets... they can do whatever they want.
    2) and what is that most worries you as DM? ... well... for example... them adding 10 caster levels on spell DCs, for example... (AKA cheating)
    3) how do you normally avoid cheating in a tabletop session?.... well... they are IN FRONT OF YOU and you SEE WHEN THEY ARE WRITING/ERASING IN THEIR SHEETS!!!

    So... My approach to solving this problem is... simply and plainly let the DM know whenever a player is in EDIT MODE (through a Decission window for example... "Player A is in SHEET EDIT MODE" or something like that)... Obviously, one other way is to make every char-sheet edition go through the "approval" system that d20pro has incorporated. But I think that is more cumbersome for coding than just a Decission window appearing when a player pushes E. Maybe I am wrong, cause I am no major in computer-engineering, but it is the way it looks to me.

    Thanks for caring about your customers opinions!!!! You are awesome! Bye!!!!
  5. Lord Elderon

    Lord Elderon New Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    Hi Yosoyleko,

    It is our pleasure to care about our users, for the obvious reasons. Please keep coming up with ideas such as this. We may have already logged it, but it only adds more importance when the masses are asking for it. It may move its way up the priority charts :D . Any and all feedback you can give will be certainly looked at and analyzed for future releases.

    Thanks for you support!

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