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LFP Thursday nights

Discussion in 'Pathfinder' started by Vilrandir, Jul 22, 2011.

  1. Vilrandir

    Vilrandir New Member

    Apr 8, 2011
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    PAthfinder game, we already have 2 consistent players and third one that joins about 50% of time. Looking for 2 players who want to join, we play every Thursday from 7 PM EST for about 4 hours. We're playing Kingmaker, and we're already in the second module. We use Skype for voice and d20Pro for virtual table. We're looking for people who enjoy roleplaying and not just monster bashing and the game is oriented to fit this style. Post here if you're interested.
  2. vanith

    vanith Member

    Jan 22, 2011
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    I would, but you're an hour earlier than I get home for work. I can join you at 8 PM EST, but nothing earlier than that.
  3. Minandreas

    Minandreas New Member

    Apr 8, 2010
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    I am interested... Would like some more information though. Would there be any chance of playing a bit later? Maybe pushing it back an hour and only playing for around 3? I am in 2 every-other week games that only meet for 4 hours or so each time. 4 hours a week feels like a lot to me... Especially as an Engineering student >_> If you can't push it back that hour it doesn't mean I wont play, but I would really prefer it.

    Also, how do you RP? Via text? Through the voice chat? I am a very heavy role player, but I would say that is only true when it is through text. I'm not a very confident or quick witted individual and I need that time to think about what I'm going to do that RPing in text provides. On the spot RP is not my strong suit at all. Again, I'd deal with it either way. It would just affect what kind of character I play.

    What classes do you need? If RPing through text, I'd love to go bard. If not, probably something less outspoken. I love playing support classes. I'm not a big fan of trying to kill stuff. Not opposed to fights at all. I just prefer healing/buffing/etc.
  4. Vilrandir

    Vilrandir New Member

    Apr 8, 2011
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    Thank you for showing interest in joining. The "level" of roleplaying varies from session to session, but we usually enjoy it a lot so I'd say medium to heavy. The party has developed very interesting personalities so we have a lot of fun delving into them and into the side stories of the characters. We do all roleplaying by skype and secret messages through the d20Pro chat. I don't think we can lay it back for an hour, but if you're consistent in joining, we wouldn't mind if you join an hour later to the sessions. Why don't you roll a character and join us for this week and we can see if it pans out for both? As for character classes, we have a rogue, a wizard and an oracle (there's also a fighter that had to stop recently, but may rejoin us). Regardless of that, I'd say roll up whatever class it would be fun for you to play. Let me know if you're in to try us out and we can work out something to build your character. We use the standard buy point system, consider standard treasure for a level 5 character please.

    BTW, I'm a Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, what kind of Engineering are you studying and where?
    Go Engineers!
  5. Minandreas

    Minandreas New Member

    Apr 8, 2010
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    I suppose I could give it a shot and see how things go. I'll be around online tonight plenty if you want to Private Message me your skype info so we can chat. This will be my first pathfinder game. (Don't worry, I have the books) I have played a good deal of 3.5 though and I hear they are very similar. I'll have to come up with what I want to play I guess... Sounds like a pretty squishy team, tho I don't necessarily know what an Oracle is.

    I am going for electrical engineer. Though I'm not in to the real meat of the engineering courses yet. Taking Calc 3 and Diff EQ this semester. Then I guess the real meat and potatoes start. I'm at University of Central Florida.
  6. Vilrandir

    Vilrandir New Member

    Apr 8, 2011
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    PM sent.

    Yeah, the team is a bit squishy as you say. They are also complemented by a Kobold Ranger called Mikmek that they met during the first module of Kingmaker and that they befriended. He's currently the bodyguard of the Oracle (a support class from the advanced players guide) and the source of much awesomeness. He's not exactly the mosst optimized NPC, though so some level of endurance might be appreciated by the party
  7. Minandreas

    Minandreas New Member

    Apr 8, 2010
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    Alright. I might dig up a character I put a lot of time in to and then never got to use. That way I have a backstory and such already good to go =P Would need to do some research on things like multiclassing though. He was a half orc that spent some time as a simple fighter, but then got involved in the church of Kord and became a battle cleric essentially. Don't know if that will work ok in pathfinders or not. Also, am I level 5 then? lol
  8. vanith

    vanith Member

    Jan 22, 2011
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    I would love to join as well, but I am running into the same problem. I don't get home until 8 PM PST, so I would be an hour late as well. I can make whatever is needed in the group and I love Psionics. If the group is squishy then I can create a Psionic Warrior for the group. :) I have been a GM/DM for 20+ years and would love to jump into something that could provide some bashing some skulls. I usually play spellcasters, but with my two other groups, I'm going to be doing that a lot. I am 50% hack'n'slash / 50% RP, I am not usually the type that shoots first and asks questions later. If I can talk it out first then that is usually the route that I will go down first because it's less messy that way. You can PM me and I'll get the message on my smart phone, so it should be a quick on my end as I can supply the skype information once it's okay.
  9. hapten

    hapten New Member

    Aug 24, 2011
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    I like to join your group but im kind of new to d20pro and pathfinder i got the book's needed to play and I can role play but when it comes to typing im slow :( but I'm good at problem solving and outside thinking.
  10. Vilrandir

    Vilrandir New Member

    Apr 8, 2011
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    Hi Hapten.

    I'm terribly sorry but we now have all slots filled for this weekly game. If something opens up I'll let you know.

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