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"Prepackage" campaign for your players?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ROB_IN_MN, Aug 24, 2011.

  1. ROB_IN_MN

    ROB_IN_MN New Member

    Aug 19, 2011
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    I was thinking of a way to zip up all the files needed for my campaign and sending the zip file to the players and having them unzip it into their players directory to avoid having to transfer all of the maps, moster images, etc the first time they're opened. The idea of making the maps all hidden by FoW seems like it might work okay (do the images of the hidden monsters go too, though?), but I'd rather just give them everything at once.

    So, I created a player instance to go along with my judge instance and opened everything and broadcasted it to the player instance. Then I went and looked in the player directory and found a whole bunch of .dat files. Shouldn't I be able to zip this up and send it along to my players, with a note of where to put it? Then they should just have everything, right?

    does this seem feasible?

    oh, and another random question. Upgrading to 3.0 will be free, right?
  2. thraxxis

    thraxxis Member

    Jul 8, 2008
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    Hail and well met ROB_IN_MN,

    While I can't go so far as to say what you are attempting is officially supported it should work. I have to give you credit for craftiness though! :geek:

    Your players will need to make sure they completely replace the directory in player/campaigns (so it has only the files you send them) and make sure the directory is named correctly. Also note that directory name is associated with the alias you type in as the judge and the campaign name you are using.

    You should be able to test this by wiping clean your local Player's campaign folder and introducing the directory you've prepared and giving it a try.

    As for hidden monsters, the images for them will not be transmitted until they are visible to the Players and a broadcast is sent.

    So you are welcome to try this but you may indeed run in to some strange problems at runtime. I don't really recommend it but if network speed is a really big slowdown for you to initially push out maps it could be worth it in your case.
  3. thraxxis

    thraxxis Member

    Jul 8, 2008
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    Also in response to your question at the end, v3.0 will be a free upgrade.

    While sometime along in the future we may be forced to charge for an upgrade, it won't be happening anytime soon. :D
  4. ROB_IN_MN

    ROB_IN_MN New Member

    Aug 19, 2011
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    I'm glad to hear that (about the pricing). Now, if you can just tell me when it's going to be released and what the new features are .... :p

    I'll try out my little "hack" and let you know how it works! Conveniently enough, I have a laptop I can run as a player - right now it's take a few moments to download some of the maps, that's why I was worried about transfer rates to people that are not no my local network.
  5. ROB_IN_MN

    ROB_IN_MN New Member

    Aug 19, 2011
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    Well, the prepackaging seems to have worked ok. I didn't zip it, I just copied it over, but I don't see why that should make a difference.

    If anyone's interested, I'll post here again once I get a chance to try it with my actual remote players.
  6. Golkiwu

    Golkiwu Member

    Sep 7, 2010
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    Very Interested.
  7. Daeruin

    Daeruin New Member

    Dec 24, 2010
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    I'm also interested. My players are constantly complaining about the slowness of transferring new maps.
  8. ROB_IN_MN

    ROB_IN_MN New Member

    Aug 19, 2011
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    So, had our first real session that tested this last night and, at first blush, it seems to be working. Had a big, (almost a megabyte) overland map pop up right away for everyone. We did have one spot where one player had a delay as if they were downloading and the others didn't. Not quite sure why that was.

    I'll report back after more testing is done :)
  9. Truwen

    Truwen Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    Have you made any headway on this. It seems for my players that it is taking one person a long time (sometimes he has to reboot/log off computer complete in order to load the map and monsters.

    I would like to know if this works as you intend it. =)
  10. ROB_IN_MN

    ROB_IN_MN New Member

    Aug 19, 2011
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    per my post from Sept 22, it seems to be working okay thus far. we had another session last week and everything seemed to work fine, however, this was with a small number of relatively small maps as we were just doing a "Get your feet wet" adventure.

    I'll be trying this with a large campaign starting 10/12/11.
  11. veers69

    veers69 New Member

    Oct 10, 2011
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    We were having the same problems with slow map loads for my 3 players. I now drop the maps onto a dropbox and let the players download them ahead of time. We went through 7 maps this last session with no load times at all.

  12. Daeruin

    Daeruin New Member

    Dec 24, 2010
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    Nick, are you using the same method as the OP to do this? If not, how exactly are you doing it? Once your players download the maps from Dropbox, where do they put the files? Thanks ahead of time.

    Edit: Also, when you do this does it preserve fog of war and any creatures on the map? Or are you just sending a plain JPEG file or something?
  13. veers69

    veers69 New Member

    Oct 10, 2011
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    We were having the same problems as the original host and came upon the solution before I saw this thread unfortunately. I logged in a player session and my wifes computer and then started transmitting data to both player session to figure out how the players were loading the data.

    Basically if you open your GM session and log in a 2nd player session and then transmit every map to the player session you'll have all the data. I dropped the entire file from:

    d20pro > player > campaigns > Alphabet soup (this should match for each player in your campaign)

    into a zip file and dropped it out. The players just need to download the zip and drop the files into the same directory and resolve conflicts as needed.

    When you power up your session and transmit, the players will already have all the data and the map will load appropriately. Fog of War and everything is transmitted during the creation of the file to your fake-player session so they get the map in that state. Anything that you have changed since then will transmit as appropriate with the normal load times for fog of war/creature updates. We had a few maps that I tinkered with after sending it to my players and the load time for the map was instantaneous and the updates were inconsequential.
  14. Golkiwu

    Golkiwu Member

    Sep 7, 2010
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  15. ROB_IN_MN

    ROB_IN_MN New Member

    Aug 19, 2011
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    That's the exact same technique I've been using. Glad to hear it working for someone else as well - makes me feel better even though we've haven't had any problems with our limited use so far.
  16. GropeyC

    GropeyC New Member

    Oct 18, 2011
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    It would be a wonderful addition or feature if you could export a "campaign" to players that basically made a file that you could upload and then the players could just chose import campaign and look at the file. Not sure if thats even a possible feature implementation but we can dream can't we.

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