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[Resolved] Java headache

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by 71gamer, Jan 12, 2010.

  1. 71gamer

    71gamer New Member

    Jan 12, 2010
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    Curious--does the new version really require Java 1.6 or is that just part of the installer package? I currently have a piece of audio gear that only runs when java 1.5 is installed, and I need that piece of gear more than I need a VT. Is there any way to disable the Java version check with a command line switch or anything? Or will d20pro just not work properly with 1.5? Is there any way to trick d20pro into thinking Java is the correct version?

    Thanks for any help, eager to try this out.

  2. Glav

    Glav New Member

    Jul 10, 2008
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    Re: Java headache


    As of version 2.0.3, there is a way to tell d20Pro to bypass its Java version check, but it requires running d20Pro via the included d20Pro.bat file (or the d20Pro.sh script on non-Windows). By running d20Pro this way, you can control some of the advanced settings (such as the max memory, etc...).

    Simply edit the d20Pro.bat file (or d20Pro.sh if you are not on Windows), and add the following Java system property (specified with the prefix of a '-D') to the list of other default properties that come with the default installation:

    As an example, the below would be the content of the d20Pro.bat file with default options and the above extra property added:

    @echo off
    REM By default, we locate java in the path.  If you do not have a valid 32bit JRE found first in the path
    REM The update the below with a full absolute path to a javaw.exe
    set JAVA=javaw
    start %JAVA% -Xmx512m -DBypassJavaVersionCheck -Dsun.java2d.ddoffscreen=false -Dsun.java2d.noddraw -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false -jar d20Pro.dat
    Of course, it is also possible to have multiple versions of Java installed at the same time. If you did this, then you could leverage the d20Pro.bat file to specify the absolute path to the desired version of Java with which to run, and have your other application continue to use a 1.5 JVM. However, since your other application is more important to you, the above -DBypassJavaVersionCheck may be the better way to go just to make sure nothing breaks for you.

    Good Gaming,


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