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Option to split up source files in modules

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by Montis, Apr 30, 2012.

  1. Montis

    Montis New Member

    Jul 2, 2011
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    I would like to see an option to split up the source files (spells.txt, feats.txt, classes.txt, skills.txt) in modules, so if you'd like to not use a sourcebook like Ultimate Combat (yes, I use d20pro for Pathfinder), you could easily just disable the option for that sourcebook and all spell lists, feats and classes from there vanish from your game.
    This also has the advantage that sources are more easily identified as already implemented and it could improve the community generated content creation, because the workload could be easier split up. Especially for small source books like the Faiths of Purity/Balance/Corruption.

    My suggestion for the implementation would be additional textfiles named similarly like spells.uc.txt, feats.apg.txt etc and a textfile which adds the description for those abbreviation and lets the program know, which files to read.

    Something like this:
    crb|Core Rulebook|spells,feats,classes,skills|mandatory
    apg|Advanced Players Guide|spells,feats,classes
    um|Ultimate Magic|spells,feats,classes
    uc|Ultimate Combat|spells,feats,classes
    lang|Languages Addon for Skills|skills
    conc|Concentration checks for Skills|skills
    fop|Faiths of Purity|spells,feats
    This suggestion on Google Moderator: http://goo.gl/mod/v1Iw
  2. bigbsonnier

    bigbsonnier New Member

    Aug 29, 2011
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    sound nice, put it into the google moderator page if you haven't already. it might not end up hight on the list but if its not that hard to implement, why not right

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