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Spells and the like

Discussion in 'User Created Content' started by ionstorm20, Nov 1, 2009.

  1. ionstorm20

    ionstorm20 New Member

    Oct 25, 2009
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    Has anyone created a list of abilities for spells so that when I click Magic Missle from the wizard spell list an enemy gets hit with magic missle instead of me having to type it in every time I cast it?
  2. Lord Elderon

    Lord Elderon New Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    Hello IonStorm,

    You can save your spells for each character as you play...

    If you would like to set up a tutorial with me, I can show you how to do this and several other things within d20Pro. Please email me at nick@mindgene.com if you are interested.

    Best regards,

  3. Dan

    Dan Member

    Jul 8, 2008
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    For direct damage spells, especially those without a save, it's often faster to just have the player roll the dice (they can even make a dice macro in the Custom Dice window) and apply damage directly to the unit.

    Magic Missile is a perfect example: instead of creating and managing an effect, it might be easier to have the player roll 4d4+4 and you damage the unit.

    To create custom dice, open the Core Dice window and click on the purple custom dice bag. Then click the plus and type in your macro in standard dice format: 5d4+5 for example.
  4. katowulf

    katowulf New Member

    Jan 9, 2010
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    Is there a tutorial for this yet? We're having a rough time with spells and it requires a lot of tedious prep on my part to get them set up correctly for each character and NPC (particularly if something happens on the fly during game play).

    The rolling a dice macro and GM damaging creatures directly works, but is still annoying and tedious.
  5. Lord Elderon

    Lord Elderon New Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    Our spell systems is currently getting an overhaul, however, the soonest target for its release will not be until the summer. In the mean time, I think it would be best if you and your gaming group set up a day / time where either Daniel or myself can run you through a tutorial. Daniel has set some up via our monthly game offerings (http://www.d20pro.com/online-gaming.php), but if those don't' fit your schedule, please let me know and I will be glad to give you a run though. Please email me directly at nick@mindgene.com for further communication on this topic.


  6. Dan

    Dan Member

    Jul 8, 2008
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    I would also like to extend the invitation.

    However, It's important not to over-engineer the process. Think about how you handle spells at your tabletop: the player says they are casting a spell like lightning bolt, they scratch off the spell from their list, and you make saves for each creature and apply X or 1/2 X damage to each.

    In d20pro, follow a similar method if you choose not to use effects:
    • Player presses the S key to cast a spell
    • Player chooses the spell and double-clicks it. He tells the GM the DC and clicks through the spell without effects.
    • He rolls damage by either clicking a custom dice macro or typing /roll 10d6 into the chat window
    • DM rolls Reflex saves for each creature by selecting them an hitting the R key.
    • DM selects multiple creatures and presses the D key to damage them.

    Instead of rolling dice, you click the macro. Instead of writing/erasing hp for each creature on paper, you select multiple creatures and press the D key. At its most manual, d20pro functions like your pencil/paper system, but it can also streamline processes via the dice macros or special abilities.

    My advice, and what I have players do, is to pick their 3-4 most complicated effects (like haste, prayer, bardic music, or rage) and make Specials for the spell/ability effects. These are ones with durations.
    For instant or direct damage / healing effects, players usually make custom dice macros with DCs as part of the name for convenience (like "Cure Moderate" for 2d8+5 or "Flamestrike R18" for 10d6).

    I only make abilities or macros for the character's "favorite" effects, maybe the top 5-10. Those are saved with the character and can be modified later as they grow. For all other spells, like Hold Person, Sleep, etc. I just ask the player to cast it and burn through the options, then select the victims and press the appropriate save key (F, R, or W). Done!
  7. Knucklehead

    Knucklehead New Member

    Feb 25, 2010
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    Still, it'd be neat to be able to associate spells with effects and templates.

    Like, clicking a spell, and having it generate a targeting template of the appropriate shape, then letting the player pick the dimensions (accounting for feats, or any other reason) and applying it to the map and targeting creatures inside. Drop an effect "template" (instant, default 1d4 fire, reflex for 1/2) in there and let the player modify the potential damage (with maybe a "max" option), then sending off an approval to the Judge with the save DC calculated with a list of all potentially affected creatures (to remove from queue, or determine save success or failure).

    Hit x on a misplacement or miscalculation of damage, nothing happens. Otherwise the spell is marked used, all your baddies are queued up and you've got a DC to roll against and can apply the effect instantly. Seems instantaneous spells would be pretty easy to handle that way. Heck, with as powerful as the effect editor seems, maybe it's possible to drop recurring damage like lingering damage from acid arrow or something too.

    It'd sure be nice to see a player cast wall of fire, drop their own template with an effect "outline" they can modify, and you can simply approve it without having to build out all of the timed effects for everyone.

    Or just dropping a labeled shape template down on a map "Detect Good" (cone) and let the player place and size the cone with a label to explain what effect it is, even if there are no mechanics you can (or care to) place in an effect.

    Or leaving well enough alone ("Wish") and just having it marked off as the default behavior.

    I think the notepad/scratch off list is totally acceptable, and d20pro probably shouldn't ever come "out of the box" more complicated than that, but it'd be nice if there were a system for being able to tie effects to spells if we wanted to.

    Sorry for the rambling. Just thought I'd try to think of a way to provide a framework for automating spell behaviors without burdening the devs with all of the spell logic, ever. :)
  8. Dan

    Dan Member

    Jul 8, 2008
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    Your ideas are spot on, and the marriage of spells, effects, attacks, and weapons/items is on our list!

    We want to be able to trigger abilities when you make attacks, or include attack rolls to hit with abilities or spells, and be able to have attacks create effects, etc.

    Any additional feedback you can give us will help of course. Keep the "rambling" coming!

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