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[Resolved] Saving a Map?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by LeJerque, Feb 14, 2010.

  1. LeJerque

    LeJerque New Member

    Feb 7, 2010
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    Kudos again on your very excellent RPG tool. I can't say enough nice things about the very nice program you've got here. I would say more of them, in fact, if you can answer a question for me:

    I've been finding the map tools extremely helpful, in regards to working with pre-existing images, and creating raw maps. In the latter instance, however, I don't seem to be able to find a way to "save" my work, per se. For instance, let's say I spend a few hours creating a map just by drawing walls and doors, placing images, and assigning NPCs to their posts. If I close the map at any time, it will be blank once more when I try to load it from the library.

    Is there a way to save one's work on a raw map beyond the immediate gamestate? For example, let's say I want to re-use the map in a later campaign, or upload it for other d20 Pro users to admire/exploit. Is this possible?

  2. Lord Elderon

    Lord Elderon New Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    Re: Saving a Map?

    Hi LeJerque,

    I am not totally sure I understand your problem with regards to the map saving...? Do you mean as you are creating a map, inside d20Pro, but run out of time, have to leave, etc and do not get a chance to finish it? You can always add things like colors, scaled images, etc to your maps, just open the 'tools' window and go to town.

    I just tested this and it should save. Here is what I did and you can compare it to what you are doing. Feel free to email me directly (nick@mindgene.com) or send me a PM here if needed.

    1 - d20Pro button (upper left) and select 'Library'
    2 - 'create' button at bottom, select type of map (I chose 'Raw')
    3 - choose name / mod / size (Test / NA / 10x10)
    4 - opened 'Tools' and chose the color palette
    5 - I added some color to the map
    6 - if you close d20Pro and re-open it, the map you were working on should be there. You will need to re-open the 'tools' window in order to add to it
    7 - click the 'd20Pro' button in upper left again
    8 - notice the map's name ('Test') as the first choice in the drop down menu
    9 - click the 'x' and choose to "overwrite" map - that will save any changes

    You can also discard the map. It will not eliminate the map from your library, just any changes (including any changes to PCs on the map) you made.

    I hope this helps and if you need further clarification or I didn't answer your question, please let me know.


  3. Dan

    Dan Member

    Jul 8, 2008
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    Re: Saving a Map?

    ANother thing:

    Currently open maps are displayed in your start menu (click the screenshots below to see a larger image).

    When you click the X next to the open map, you get a choice to Save Map as a Copy, Overwrite Map, or Discard. Choose Overwrite Map to save over the initial (blank) map in the library.

    Attached Files:

  4. LeJerque

    LeJerque New Member

    Feb 7, 2010
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    Re: Saving a Map?

    I feel rather foolish now, having not even seen the save dialog. I simply assumed that, should I close the map, it would just close. I hadn't even gotten to the "would you like to save" part.

    Please disregard my silly question and thank you for another excellent feature!
  5. Lord Elderon

    Lord Elderon New Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    No worries mate!

    Be on the look out for the release of an update coming soon! It is already in beta testing (I was actually testing it for a while last night) and things are moving along nicely.

    Best regards and happy gaming,


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