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APG Spells - Lead Blade & Gravity Bow

Discussion in 'Pathfinder' started by dragonlady, Nov 23, 2010.

  1. dragonlady

    dragonlady Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    My characters LOVE the two new spells Lead Blade and Gravity Bow.

    In play what this does is increase the the damage dice of the weapon to one size larger: d8=> 2d6, d10=>2d8, etc

    Under the effect I do not see a place to add or change the hit dice in the effect area.

    Does anyone have suggestions?


    How can I implement this spell effect.

    It is much like the magic Fang or Stone fang ability the Druid does for their Animal companions (which I also need to do) ie the weapon damage goes up in size level in effectiveness.
  2. ogexam

    ogexam Member

    Jul 10, 2008
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    Currently there is no way to change damage dice with an effect, since effects are tied to the creature and not to a specific attack.

    What I do is copy the attacks that would be modified by the spell, add the name of the spell in the attack name and modified the damage dice.

    It does mean you will have more attacks in your menu, but they are then easily accessible.
  3. dragonlady

    dragonlady Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    How un-elegant! But not unexpected I guess.

    Brute force method for the win!
  4. thraxxis

    thraxxis Member

    Jul 8, 2008
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    Hail and well met dragonlady,

    A major rework of the effects/spells/items/attacks are in the works next major release. Good to know of these spells as we can design ahead to add this capability. One thing we'll definitely be adding is caster level variables and an Effect Library so the magic missile or fireball spell can be easily produced.

    Thanks ogexam for the best practice given the current functionality.
  5. ogexam

    ogexam Member

    Jul 10, 2008
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    For the next iteration of the effects system it could be possible to have a dice size up and dice size down One or two categories.

    Here is the only issue with that, which system do we use? We would have to go with the OGL 3.5 dice size logic to determine the dice change so may be different in other game systems.

    Though while I think about an auto dice modification due to effect it sounds like it should be rather straight forward, not easy but straight forward.
  6. edwardcd

    edwardcd Administrator
    Staff Member

    Oct 13, 2010
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    Could have a user defined dynamic dice categories. Then depending on the weapon's base dice and the character's base size, if there is an increase or decrease in the character's size category then there will be the appropriate step up or step down in the user defined dice category the system would choose for the weapon's damage roll. Also, there should be an option in the game settings to activate/deactivate this feature, and an option to define the dice size categories.

    For Example:

    Let's say this custom system uses the following dice categories... (parenthesis items are values assigned by the system, not seen by the user)
    1D2 (1)
    1D3 (2)
    1D4 (3)
    1D6 (4)
    1D8 (5)
    1D10 (6)
    2D6 (7)
    2D8 (8)
    2D10 (9)
    3D8 (10)
    3D10 (11)
    4D8 (12)
    4D10 (13)
    5D10 (14)

    And the following Size Categories...
    Fine (1)
    Diminutive (2)
    Tiny (3)
    Small (4)
    Medium (5)
    Large (6)
    Huge (7)
    Gargantuan (8)
    Colossal (9)
    Mega Colossal (10)

    And, the following...
    Base Weapon Damage: 1D6 (4)
    Base Creature Size: Medium (5)
    Altered Creature Size: Large (6)
    New Weapon Damage: 1D8 (5)

    So, the game mechanics of the program identifies one step up (simply based on the size difference of the base and altered creature), then applies the one step up from the user defined dice categories (which in this case goes from 1D6 to 1D8). Thus, there wouldn't be a limitation on how many size categories you can go up or down. Just need to say that if the base weapon damage is at the very top or very bottom of the list and the size category gets smaller (when damage is already at the top of the list) or when the size category gets larger (when damage is already at the bottom of the list) that the smaller size or larger size respectfully would have no effect. Since the DM controls the size category (or when a player increases or decreases their size category, the DM will approve or deny the change in the Decision window) there will be more room for flexibility vs only allowing a one or two step size increase or decrease.

    Being a dynamic entry system, the user can enter each entry in any order, and the system will auto-assign the number based on the max total of each line.

    So, a user can enter the following into the system in the said order...

    The system will auto-assign the numbers, and when the user comes back to edit the dice categories, it would be in the appropriate order...

    One way it could look....
    User Defined Dice Categories

    (checkmark) (x mark)

    Clicking the "add" button...
    User Defined Dice Categories
    ___ D ____ (delete)

    (checkmark) (x mark)

    Entering in the data...
    User Defined Dice Categories
    1 D 4 (delete)

    (checkmark) (x mark)

    Clicking add button again...
    User Defined Dice Categories
    1 D 4 (delete)
    ___ D ___ (delete)

    (checkmark) (x mark)

    And so on. Does this sound like a reasonable way to implement this feature?
  7. ogexam

    ogexam Member

    Jul 10, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Interesting thinking there.

    I'll have to think about it some though.

  8. tufttugger

    tufttugger New Member

    Apr 26, 2012
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    Are there any spell packages yet for PF? I can't find anything on the forums. It would be a godsend. Thank you.
  9. edwardcd

    edwardcd Administrator
    Staff Member

    Oct 13, 2010
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    Currently, this major rework is still in the works.

    If there is anyone who has spent some time in the effects system to program effects into the d20Pro database and would like to share...
    Look in: /d20Pro/user/
    File: effectsd20Pro.GM.dat

    If you share that file and place it inside the same directory, next time you load d20Pro (as a Judge or Player) you will have access to whatever was saved in the effects database.

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