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Adding elevation data (via text) to existing maps?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Zandari, Mar 15, 2011.

  1. Zandari

    Zandari New Member

    Sep 12, 2010
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    I am trying to add some note information to a map (specifically, I want to show elevation changes between various stair landings). Do I have to remake the entire map, and type those numbers in using photoshop/Gimp, or is there a way to add text notes to an existing map in d20Pro?

    I found that there was a marker option, so you can make a dot that shows hovertext. That's pretty close to what I want, but not quite. I noticed there is an entry point on that dialog that asks for type. What goes in that box?

    Also, I tried using these markers to mark elevation, but it would only let me make one marker of (for instance) name: 5' type: elevation. I really need like three of those to put in various places around the map.

    How do other folks mark elevation levels on their maps?
  2. edwardcd

    edwardcd Administrator
    Staff Member

    Oct 13, 2010
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    You can create a creature, and use a number to represent elevation as the token's icon.

    Such as: Floor Numbers...



    Or, can do elevation in feet...


    Then you can put them anywhere on your map.
  3. neofax

    neofax New Member

    Apr 24, 2010
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    Over on the RPTools forums, there is a thread called Jectors Goodies in the User Creations subforum. On the last page of that thread are some elevation markers that I have been using lately. They work really nice for showing 10' increments. You can also use Inkscape or GIMP to make small filled in circles and overlay numbers on top using a layer, then save as a template and you will never run out of height differences and keep consistent.
  4. thraxxis

    thraxxis Member

    Jul 8, 2008
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    Hail and well met,

    Though rudimentary, there is a feature for tracking elevation in d20Pro. Right-click on the Creature and use the Location->Elevation feature. You then type in the units you want displayed and any Creatures with non 0 elevation will be decorated with the elevation value.

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