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Looking For Player

Discussion in 'Pathfinder' started by ncassella, May 14, 2014.

  1. ncassella

    ncassella Member

    Jul 21, 2011
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    I've been running a homebrewed Pathfinder game for a group of guys for the last 3 years. We are losing our level 8 dwarf fighter, due to work conflicts, and I'd like to replace him.

    Let me tell you a bit about the group.

    There are 5 of us (myself included) all from the NYC tri-state area, we are in our thirties, married, and three of us have children, we've all been friends for several years. Everyone is laid back, very into movies, drinks a lot, and knows that from time to time things come up that are more important then the game. We try to play bi-monthly and they days are confirmed one week in advance.

    I'm the GM and this is my first campaign, and second time playing a table top game. The first time I played was a two year long 3.5 game and I fell in love. I spent a year planning out the game skeleton of the world and game, and have been world building throughout the last three years as events have been happening in the story. I tend to use the rules as more of guidelines rather then a doctrine of how to play the game, and basically let my players do whatever they want provided it's not going out of the way to break the world, and within reason. We don't really play alignments, but if i had to categorize the party i'd say they are pretty much either CN or N, they are really a bunch of none heroic heroes.

    Our Dwarf basically got into this because we explained to him it would be like being Gimli, from LOTR which was his first introduction to fantasy, so that's what we've been playing with. Our ideal member would either be not super familiar with the rules, or have a decent knowledge but not care about the enforcement, if it gets in the way of good storytelling. It would kick ass if you lived close by in either an NYC suburb or NJ as sometimes we do actual table sessions, but that's not really a deal breaker, just so long as you can make EST games.

    Here's a link to the Obsidian Portal https://legend-of-the-sages-stone.obsidianportal.com/.

    We use google hangouts, as our chat, herolab, and d20pro, and obsidian portal. If you want to sit in on a session shoot me an PM and we can talk more.

    Hope to hear from someone soon.

  2. Thrillba

    Thrillba Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    I am not close by, but I would love to play. I have been running the age of worms campaign for 5 years. We only get to play about once a month. I am looking to be able to "play" instead of gm all the time. Your group sounds perfect for me. I live in alabama, I own d20 and herolab. I know the rules and I too play the style of the books are a guideline. I will PM you too. Please let me know.

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