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My Two Cents

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by gandolfifeesh, Nov 5, 2011.

  1. gandolfifeesh

    gandolfifeesh New Member

    Sep 11, 2011
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    It's the little things that make something truly special, I would like to see the following additions:

    1) Saving Throws & Hit points to automatically re-adjust if their respective ability score is modified.

    2) (My most important one) To be able to update characters from Hero Lab. If the Hero Lab file was updated there should be a function in d20 Pro to refresh any imported characters, whilst anything that is added to the character within d20 Pro remains. You have no idea the hassle this would save me.

    3) A Caster Level Check option next to ranged & melee touch attack options (with the ability to modify rolls (for spell pen etc))

    4) Critical Focus/Power Critical/Anatomist Trait to be incorporated into critical hit confirmations.

    5) Be able to create diagonal doors (currently it only draws a line)

    6) Have each player have a different coloured font in the chat log.

    7) Preset conditions (Such as sickened, paralysed etc) which auto adjust the PC's stats accordingly.

    8) When fitting a grid to a created map, having a simple drag function to fit the grid to the map.

    9) Dan being applauded by everyone at the office for his avatar

    10) You guys keep up the good work. A heroic effort from all of you, and it means a lot you listen to what players would
    like to see within the game.
  2. ChrisRevocateur

    Jul 14, 2011
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    1) Until they reinstate the use of the "goodsaves" in the class document, that's not gonna be possible, and there are so many other things that affect saves that even then, the saves would be off for lots of characters due to class abilities (like the Paladin), feats, and magic items. Don't get me wrong, I'd love this too, but they need to add more functionality to a lot of things before that's possible.
    2) Oh, believe me, I know the hassle it would save you. I use HL as well. The problem is that the two do not share a format with the characters, thus the reason you need to export it as a special .hld20pro file, and then import it using a specific plugin that converts .hld20pro files into a .d20_ctr file. A lot of data is lost in the transfer, and characters can only be imported wholesale. This is the most complex idea to implement in your list, and would take either d20Pro and/or Hero Lab changing and integrating their entire file structure. Not necessarily impossible, but not something we'll see any time soon, as much as I'd love it.
    3) Since caster level checks use class level rather than BAB, and classes don't stack for this purpose, I agree, a caster level check addition would be great.
    4) This would take expanding what feats are capable of in the program, which needs to be done anyway.
    5) Eh, this would be nice, but since I rarely use the draw tool for such, not so important for me.
    6) This would be cool, but since system messages, ooc messages, and quite a few other messages are already in different colors, I could see this getting kinda confusing.
    7) I requested this before myself. The ability to have conditions and not have to remember to apply the effects beyond putting the condition on the character would be uber awesome.
    8) A thousand times yes! A THOUSAND times yes!
    9) Much agreement on this one as well. Honestly, one of the best avatars I've ever seen.
    10) This can't be said enough.
  3. Tharck

    Tharck New Member

    Nov 22, 2010
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    Effects which target ability scores, such as ability damage to CON when applied as an effect onto the character automatically adjust the HPs and Fort save.
  4. ogexam

    ogexam Member

    Jul 10, 2008
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    Effects can target ability score and hit points and saves are adjusted due to their modification. though changing of the stats on the character sheet will not impact the ability saves or hit points.

    Thank you guys for the input. On my table is an effects library, which will give you the ability to place the sicken effect on a creature and it will get the status icon and modifiers quickly and easily.

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