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Native Hero Lab Importer Issues

Discussion in 'Bug Reports & Installation Support' started by firebringer, Dec 9, 2017.

  1. firebringer

    firebringer Member

    May 17, 2011
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    Couple steps forward and a little bit backward on the beta native HL importer. Here's my testing results:

    1. We can click the 'attack' tab and the screen refreshes.
    2. Attributes (str, con, dex, int, wis, cha) are being imported correctly.

    1. Saving throws are not importing correctly. I can't figure out exactly what number is being incorrectly added or subtracted, but in most cases Fort, Ref, Will are all off from their correct values by different amounts.

    2. Attack modifiers are having their base attribute (str, dex, etc.) added to them again as extra 'to-hit' and 'damage' modifiers. In other words, if an attack is supposed to use strength for the to-hit modifier, and a creature has a 14 str, the importer is giving them an extra +2 'to-hit' and damage beyond what they're supposed to have.

    3. Size modifiers to attack rolls are still being re-added to a creature, even though HL already has them calculated into the creature's to-hit rolls. For example, a large creature has a -1 applied to it's to-hits rolls by HL, then the native HL importer is applying it again. The same goes for smaller than medium creatures.

    4. Weapon finesse is not correctly setting the attribute to dexterity for the appropriate attacks.
  2. firebringer

    firebringer Member

    May 17, 2011
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    I also noticed some strangeness with imported images on the tokens. When I imported multiple creatures from a single .por, the images either got swapped to the wrong creature, or just didn't come in at all.
  3. Zandu

    Zandu New Member

    Aug 20, 2017
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    For the Saving throws, it appears to double the class bonus. It imports the class bonus and then calls that the base. When I click on the D20Pro character sheet it says base + stat mod + misc + class. Well, if my class gives me a Fort (5) + 0 ability + 0 misc + 0 base it would be correct. However it is showing as 10. Base (5) + Class (5). This happened in every case.
  4. Wesley Gorby

    Wesley Gorby Production/Community Manager
    Staff Member

    Aug 1, 2011
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    The HL importer is still a WIP in the Beta, however, this info is very helpful.. Thank you.

    I've noted this on the Trello board.
  5. firebringer

    firebringer Member

    May 17, 2011
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    Is there any chance we could see a HL native importer fix outside of a new full release...like the .jar that Owlbear released a couple weeks ago? The existing set of bugs make the native HL importer almost unusable, given the amount of manual fixes that have to be done after importing a .por...

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