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Looking for Players-

Discussion in 'Pathfinder' started by DarKPenguiN, Jul 8, 2014.

  1. DarKPenguiN

    DarKPenguiN New Member

    Jul 4, 2014
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    Hey guys, I'm looking for a few friendly and mature players to join a game I will be attempting to run on a weekly or bi-monthly basis .

    I am new to this software and VTT's in general (so expect some mistakes, I'm sure) but I am not new to Tabletop gaming and have been running games and designing Campaigns for well over 2 decades.

    To familiarize myself with the software I will be running a level 1 premade adventure (haven't decided yet- It will be discussed when we have a group to choose a module I have which nobody has read or played) while I slowly transition my own Campaign and Game World into the system- At which point I would like to reroll guys and restart a Campaign using my own unique stuff... If people are overly attached to their characters I will see about making the needed changes with my own Adventures to allow everyone to do so and still follow the 'story' from the start.

    The Campaign World I will be running (after a few initial play sessions with a pre made adventure) is extremely fleshed out with a very rich history and cast of characters along with locations, cities, dungeons and a very unique setting.

    Without getting too much into this or making an overly lengthy post- The World operates under completely different 'Laws of Nature' than the World we currently populate- The peaks of Mountains are scorching deserts and often barren wastelands devoid of life while the lowest point (Sea level and below) is a frigid arctic tundra also nearly devoid of life outside the rare species which thrive in this climate...The reason? Quite simply the peaks of Mountains are closest to the Sun, silly- While the life giving warmth can barely reach the lowest points on the Planet.

    Fortunately for life itself- The Mountains are massive and with very gradual slopes in most places allowing for huge areas of 'flat land' to be settled in a more temperate zone.

    -The known and "civilized" World (a very small part of the actual World) is set up into three distinct regions which compromise what is known as the "Kingdom Of Trinity" (although it is neither a Kingdom nor merely of 'three') which loosely acts like a'United Nations' amongst the allied races. The Kingdom Of Trinity (or KOT) was formed during the Great Goblyn Wars around the time of the appearance of the Red Cap Hordes (...Long story, lol) to unify the otherwise doomed individual Kingdoms under one banner- It began as an Alliance of Humans, Dwarves and Elves but over time encompassed all of the races who had a stake in the Goblyn Wars.

    Magick is highly regulated and controlled in most areas. Only those who have been 'tapped' (a process which happens in ones youth and is a part of the organized educational system put in place by the KOT) are initiated into the mystery schools and allowed to harness Magick even in its most raw and basic form. Therefore, most magic users, sorcerers, witches and hedge wizards live a very 'underground', 'hidden' and 'illegal' existence. The Price for practicing the Arts is usually a slow and certain, humiliating public death.

    Now, the existence of a new cult and a new and sinister intoxicating drug has been spreading from a City known as Silver Gulch.. Formerly a Prison Colony the Gulch is now the playground of the wealthy and the elite- A city rife with possibility and fortune after the fairly recent (a generation ago...) discovery of the actual properties of "Silver" and what it has the power the do...

    -Oh there is so much more... =P

    NOTE: This is a very Mature setting- (Not in the "breasts and over the top violence" way a 13 year old thinks of "maturity) so be warned...

    I generally dont run 'Tactical Combat' so all the movement, line of sight and everything is going to be quite simplified. I dont want an overly complex tactics game and want to try to run this in the same vein as I run my tabletop games.

    Thanks for reading (if you took the time to do so) and I hope to hear from you soon... I will be ready to run pretty much ASAP once we settle on an adventure and again- I am new to this so there will be mistakes and any experienced people willing to play and give me tips would be appreciated.

    I am really thinking about trying to get my adventures in working order and release them to the D20pro community- We need some ready made adventures. =D

    Thanks again..
  2. David98299

    David98299 New Member

    Sep 13, 2014
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    Are you still running games. I'm new and am really having a hard time figuring out how to find judges to login to a game. It seems there should be a site that people can join games.
  3. Wesley Gorby

    Wesley Gorby Production/Community Manager
    Staff Member

    Aug 1, 2011
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    just like 'real life' , you need to find a group to game with... like ours :)
  4. David98299

    David98299 New Member

    Sep 13, 2014
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    IMHO I don't feel d20Pro will ever become really HUGE until they develop an easy method for Judges to host games and players to join.
  5. David98299

    David98299 New Member

    Sep 13, 2014
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    So I'd like to join. When will you be running the game and what time. Can I join?
  6. David98299

    David98299 New Member

    Sep 13, 2014
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    I'd like to join your game. When will you be running the game (day & time) and how often. Send me the info to join. I'm new to d20Pro but you'll be hard pressed to find a more experienced gamer. I'm 57 and have been gaming for the past 30 years off and on.
  7. cavemaniv

    cavemaniv New Member

    Sep 23, 2014
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    I would love to be one of those players if the game has not started and i pass the test of maturity... i may end up being one of the youngest at 28... never thought i would say that, im in the military so my time is very limited (dont ask what i do, i wont answer nor would you believe me [thank you for the respect]). so the slow 1/week or 2/month should work with me. projected time and days would be good info to get a hold of my. actual gaming experience is surprisingly low for 15 years of "trying to play" i hope to have d20pro be my remedy to my 15 year slump. please reply if you think i may be a fit for your party, thank you.
  8. JoeCarroll001

    JoeCarroll001 New Member

    Feb 15, 2016
    Likes Received:
    I am very interested.

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