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Ability to make fundamental rules set changes?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bocephus, Feb 21, 2010.

  1. bocephus

    bocephus New Member

    Feb 3, 2010
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    I understand you can modify these files:

    # Feats.txt
    # Skills.txt
    # Spells.txt
    # Classes.txt

    To account for different d20 rule set variants, but is there a way of making more fundamental changes... such as creating a rules set for a non d20 game, or customizing the character sheet? I realize the software is called d20Pro, but I was just a little curious as Pathfinder and 3.5E aren't the only games I play.
  2. Dan

    Dan Member

    Jul 8, 2008
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    No, those are pretty much the changes you can make on the back end.

    However, d20pro can be used to some degree with most games. For example, we play Zombies! with it by giving the zombies 4 hit points and allowing the heroes to hit for 1-6 points (in Zombies, you kill on a 4+ on d6). We lay down tiles and reveal them via fog of war when they are "placed". Also, we can even play checkers or chess or Warhammer Quest.

    The key is how much you plan to automate with d20pro. As long as you have hit points on a unit, you could probably use it and just use the core dice or custom dice macros. We've even played Warhammer and Bloodbowl with it.
  3. KainPen

    KainPen Member

    Apr 16, 2010
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    Hi, new here and had some qustions about the product before i buy or demo it.

    My Group plays mutible game system we switch based on who is GMing at the time vampire, D&D 3.5 and 2.0 versions even thinking of doing some Battle Tek. can i load custom character sheets, rule sets in to the system just switching from 3.5 and 2.0 for now.

    can input my players rolls cause they like the feel of real dice? and we are not looking for online play.

    can this system display on the same computer what the players see on one screen and Dm stuff on another ?

    i have more questions but my i don't know how to word them yet.
  4. Dan

    Dan Member

    Jul 8, 2008
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    the GM can hurt/heal monsters on the fly, and you can see armor class for creatures by hovering your mouse over them (GM) - so yeah, players can roll dice at the table and you damage units easily.

    You can run a player and a GM client at the same time and use Extended Monitors to display one on your computer screen (GM) and the player client on another monitor or projector.
  5. Lord Elderon

    Lord Elderon New Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    Hi KainPen,

    To piggy back on Daniel's reply, you cannot really load custom character sheets. Some things can be modified within the software, but we recommend doing so cautiously. We currently use different work arounds for different rule sets, house rules, and more. Please let us know other game systems you are using and what your questions are so we can try and help you our. We would be glad to set up a tutorial for you too if you prefer. Feel free to send me a PM or email as to what days / times are best for you if you are interested. Our help page is pretty good, but will need some updating to keep up with our latest release due out any day now.

    Best regards and happy gaming,

  6. KainPen

    KainPen Member

    Apr 16, 2010
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    thanks for the info i will try the demo. and maybe set up a tutorial with you after i play with it. I am glad to see that this supports Liniux. I tried maptools before but it seemed diffcult to use and setup. How does your app handel with memory. I did play again under maptools before and the program was sucking up loads of memory.

    I am hopeing to use this for Advanced Dungons and Dragons 2nd edtion. With some house rules added to it and would love to use it for New World of Darkness games by white wolf. In all my years i had people have a problem with AD&D and negative ACs being a good thing. so one of my house rules is i reversed AC of all the creatures. Notice my players have less problems for what ever reason useing T.H.A.C.0 system with thinking + is harder to hit then -.

    It still far away before i DM AD&D 2.0 again but tring to get head start on and testing different systems out and see what i want to use.

    My group plays D&D 2.0, D&D 3.5, World of Darkness(Vampire, Werewolf ect...) for now. Looking to maybe Do Battle Tech later.

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