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Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by hukt_own_fonikz, Jan 17, 2012.

  1. hukt_own_fonikz

    hukt_own_fonikz New Member

    Oct 25, 2011
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    Whats the status on Auras? I saw where it had been posted about a year ago, but couldn't find anything since. It would be nice at least to just attach a colored aura to a creature (much like burst/blast). That should be the first step, because that at least makes it easier to remember that the creature has an aura and X amount of players are standing in it. In the last thread there was also user support for hidden auras, but the way I see it, you'd be able to tell from afar if a burning skeleton was too hot to stand next to, or if a charnal rat had a pretty bad stench about it. So definitely support both options.

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