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CO DM Ability / Invisibility Seeing

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by Toxic302, Nov 17, 2010.

  1. Toxic302

    Toxic302 New Member

    Sep 29, 2010
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    I currently play with about eight players (whom btw love this system), and one of those players is actually a Assistant DM if you will. I would love to see a button or an option screen that would allow the player to have maybe some limited access to editing or controlling or something that I could assign. This comes in mostly on character review while he can see them if i give him ownership being able to edit them would be helpful.

    Also being able to have an option like the ownership screen of who can see particular characters would be cool. Example ( i have a fairy who has at will greater invisibility. As this is up 100% of the time, I place her as invisible and give her ownership and only her and i can see where she is. this is an awesome dynamic that really cuts out on the out of game knowledge used by a couple of my current members, but i do have at least one character that can see invis permanently and would love to be able to assign a way he could see her as well, either through dual ownership or something
  2. edwardcd

    edwardcd Administrator
    Staff Member

    Oct 13, 2010
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    I would also take advantage of a co-DM feature.

    Normal: When a person logs into the session, the DM selects "Broadcast game to new Player"

    Proposed: When a person logs into the session, the DM can either select "Broadcast game to new Player" OR "Broadcast game to new Assistant Judge"

    I'm sure this would require some work to set permissions for the people who login to the session, it would allow greater control and flexibility.
  3. Arturis

    Arturis New Member

    Nov 21, 2010
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    Agreed Dual Judge function would be great as the game I plan on running will need/use this function.

    To make things more realistic a buddy of mine have divided the evil and good axis I control evil and he good. With established roles and rules on the two sides it would be so much easier for him to controll his groups/races/orders if there was a co/dual Judge system

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