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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by djc664, Aug 27, 2010.

  1. djc664

    djc664 Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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    How can I get the program full screen, i.e. removing the bottom and top bar from the display so a map is edge to edge?

    This strikes me as a very basic thing that I just can't find for the life of me. :(

    to Devs: If it's not possible... how has that gone undone this long?!? I remember talking to you about having that feature at GenCon 2009 when I had started my projector and multi-touch research! ;)
  2. djc664

    djc664 Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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    Sooo... does that mean there's no full screen?
  3. Thurgian

    Thurgian New Member

    May 17, 2010
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    Personally, I extend my desktop onto two monitors, place all of my controls on the left screen, and all of the map on the right.

    There are still a couple of graphical intrusions, but it does work.

    Not that this solution will likely work for your project.
  4. djc664

    djc664 Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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    Getting rid of the start bar is not the difficult part; I can do that with Auto-hide well enough, just as you are doing that with making another screen the "primary" display. What I mostly want to get rid off is the bar across the top with the close shrink, max/min, X boxes.

    While Maptools does handle this much more elegantly, though I really like the way running the game "works" in d20 Pro. The auto-detection of the screen size is superior, you have a smooth scale for zooming the map rather than these "click" jumps in size, and the full screen gives a crisp edge-to-edge display for your game map. I'd be happy to leave the d20 menu logo up in the corner if I could remove the trappings of the OS from around the screen.

    I think I'm going to migrate these items to the features request section, as the silence is informing me that the answer is indeed "no, it doesn't do that".
  5. Dan

    Dan Member

    Jul 8, 2008
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    Sorry for the delay in response. The answer is indeed that full screen mode is not available. For GMs, it's something that hasn't come up much in the discussions, as many GMs have multiple windows with other things open (like PDFs, SRD online, etc).

    D20pro's design goals were as an app, not a game, and apps are generally run windowed for easy task switching.

    Player view, however, should probably be full-screen, but we've had other fish to fry as of late, and that's been lower on the feature priority list than other items.

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