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Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by Yaourth, Mar 24, 2010.

  1. Yaourth

    Yaourth New Member

    Mar 21, 2010
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    Hi all

    during my real-life plays, i usually never give to players an exact value of their ennemie's HP. I prefer to reveal a kind of status and describe how their foes are hurt. This permit to me to avoid a pure mechanical approach of the fight and use unclear datas for the players (for exemple, some stats like Magical Resist seem to me more fun to discover after few rounds than a direct : "The sorcerer have MR15" at round1).

    I would like to know if this method is playable with d20pro. The easiest solution could be to have a judge option allowing to hide the NPC HP and red life-level in tokens. Why not add a separate check box to allow the same option for PC too.

    With this, each judge can choose to hide either the NPC life or PC life or even the both.
    And I can use the team option to show the status of a NPC (green for OK, red for nearly out-of-fight...)
  2. Daggeth

    Daggeth New Member

    Jul 8, 2008
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    Yaourth, as it is now the players can only see the exact HP of creatures they control. Right now though there is no way to turn off the ability for players to see their exact HP nor to turn off the red shading to indicate the health of an NPC.

    I don't believe this is a feature any of us has considered before nor has anybody suggested it to us. I can certainly see your use for it though and we will add it to the list of features we will consider adding to our next version.
  3. Yaourth

    Yaourth New Member

    Mar 21, 2010
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    Thanks for your answer !!
  4. ogexam

    ogexam Member

    Jul 10, 2008
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    Here is an idea on how to hide the current status of an NPC.

    Set the max HP to 1, then set their current HP to their real HP total.

    That way as they take damage no red line will appear until they are at 0 hp.

    Now you could do something similar if you wanted to show damage when an NPC is under 25% HP.

    Set their max HP to 25% of their real HP then set their current HP to their real max HP. that way it will seem like like they are not taking damage until they are really hurt.
  5. Dan

    Dan Member

    Jul 8, 2008
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    This works really well with Bloodied conditions too (4E), where the creatures have a Bloodied state at 50% hp. Set max hp to 1/2 normal value, set current to the full.
  6. Yaourth

    Yaourth New Member

    Mar 21, 2010
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    Ogexam : it's a very good idea !! I will do that on my next text.

    Thanks a lot for this tip ! ;)

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