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Modern / Cyberpunk

Discussion in 'D20 Sci-Fi & Modern' started by Harlequin1975, Jan 5, 2017.

  1. Harlequin1975

    Harlequin1975 New Member

    Nov 26, 2014
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    Hey all,

    Long time D20 pro user and just started to work with the shadowcasting. I have been setting up the system using the D&D 5th edition rules making a Cyberpunk / Modern game using the ultramodern5e and waiting for the neurospasta to come out. So far so good But if anyone knows of other systems that use 5th edition rules would be great. And if anyone wants to share modern maps, game idea or creature templates great to.

    happy gaming to all.

    Also how does one get access to D20 pro beta. Been wanting to try the traits features and such. Looking good so far.

  2. Wesley Gorby

    Wesley Gorby Production/Community Manager
    Staff Member

    Aug 1, 2011
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    Hey Todd,

    We (my wife and I) do a bit of scifi/modern/cyberpunk.

    I'm not aware of any 5e rulesets for modern other than the one you already mentioned.

    As to the Beta, if you are in the Kickstarter, you have access. Also, we do open betas fairly often. We also do closed beta test, which is usually restricted to people who game with the team.

    My (and my wifes) personal group is always looking for gamers to join us, talk gaming and do gaming things.

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