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New to the community

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TollBoothWillie, Dec 15, 2014.

  1. TollBoothWillie

    TollBoothWillie New Member

    Dec 12, 2014
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    Hello Community!
    I'm two weeks into my trial period of D20pro and I must say that I am overwhelmed! I didn't realize the amount of 3rd party software that I would need to DM. I bought the pack because I recently completed my Kingmaker AP and thought that d20pro could really showcase it well. I am playing on the Pathfinder rule set. I am having difficultly with character generation as a whole. D20pro is super exciting but requires a tremendous amount of work to make work effectively. I had a few questions/requests for you guys, the community.

    1. Does anyone have the data for the Kingmaker AP that is basically "plug & play"? I would welcome any other good campaigns or a good module for a test run.
    2. Can d20pro run the kindom simulation?
    3. Does d20pro support special rules such as character traits, hero points, alternate race traits or rare PC races (assimar, gilman, ratfolk, etc.)?
    4. How are flying creatures represented on a 2d plain?
    5. Please link a series of "How-To" guides to scale maps, create creatures, organize encounters on the fly (random encounters), and customize city maps.
    6. How often does d20pro update the game to stay current with new rules released by Paizo (such as mass combat)

    Thanks so much for your time and I look forward to being able to one day contribute some of my own resources to the pool!
    TollBoothWillie (I'm coming out of the boooooooooooth)
  2. edwardcd

    edwardcd Administrator
    Staff Member

    Oct 13, 2010
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    I would check out http://forums.d20pro.com/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=941, some people might have made their own versions of the map, which is can be freely distributed. Other people might have used Paizo IP graphics and only available if you can prove you own the AP and available via email.

    I did create a kingdom city map builder, however, it does use Paizo IP graphics and thus not available to distribute on the forums. Though, if you can prove that you own the AP, I would be happy to email. Our group made a google site: https://sites.google.com/site/saturdaykingmaker/ and updated from there. Of course our group had lots of schedule changes with group members and so it is on perm hiatus.

    Want to be by water, change the visibility of the Border_X_Water from red to green.

    Let's say the group wanted to add a Tavern, I would find the Tavern in the Draw Tools, Manage Tiles section, and right click to pull up the context menu to clone the tile.

    Next, Click-Drag the Clone into position, and turn visibility on (Green). You can rotate by clicking on the Tile in the Manage Tiles section and either right-click to pull up the context menu and rotate or use hotkeys "[" or "]" to rotate how you like it, then click on "x" for the "Manage Tiles" mode on top-middle of screen to show your changes to the players. F5 (broadcast changes to players)

    Use d20Pro for stuff that makes running a game faster, while there is a character sheet, if it isn't natively supported simply place it in the character notes or modify a converted HeroLab or PCGen character into d20Pro and modify as you like. Feel free to use any feature or none, whatever makes you as the GM most comfortable and your players happy. You can use d20Pro for automation, or you can use it simply as a battlemap.

    Elevation marker.
    Location > Elevation : will change the elevation of the creature in +/- 5 feet increments.
    select character, right-click to show context menu, select Location, then under Elevation "sink" or "raise"
    "Sink" hotkey = Control + - (minus)
    "Raise" hotkey = Control + = (equal)

    Create maps (on the fly and pre-made): http://d20pro.com/help/UGGPMaps.php, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OAc0zLi5nE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDRu6UUcc6E
    Create creatures: http://d20pro.com/help/UGGPCreatures.php

    Community based updates on googlecode, this currently supports class, bab, initiative feat integration, evasion feat integration, text spell list, and text feat list. For best experience either freestyle magic or only use d20Pro for tracking spell list, not spells for automation on character sheet. Players can choose to create effects and save them or simply roll dice and verbally state how much damage it does. For example: when I GM for Pathfinder Society Organized Play, I program everything in abilities to make it easier/faster play, where all the rules are included. When I GM for a home-game, I only program the bad guy and let players roll with real dice or use the d20pro dice/automation for attacks/damage. Again, it's utilizing the tools that make GMing easier and faster - personally I don't use the spells tab on the character sheet, I track in abilities or let players keep track of spells/spell list.
    Pathfinder: http://forums.d20pro.com/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=1447
    D&D 3.5: http://forums.d20pro.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1762
    D&D 4: http://forums.d20pro.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1760
  3. TollBoothWillie

    TollBoothWillie New Member

    Dec 12, 2014
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