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Problem with saving effects?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ganbor, Mar 19, 2011.

  1. ganbor

    ganbor New Member

    Mar 19, 2011
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    I'm relatively new to the program and may be missing something simple, but when I started to create several saved effects for common abilities, I discovered that some seem to be overwriting other abilities with similar names. For instance, I created (Rage 1, Rage 2, Rage 3) for the Barbarian, but loading any of them brings up the values for the one I saved last... I tried Renaming to Rage, Greater Rage, Mighty Rage, with the same results; however, multiple levels of Inspire Courage seem to function properly - Has anybody else encountered something similar?
  2. Jenouflex

    Jenouflex New Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    Getting a similar problem with Power Attack (BAB 0-3) and Power Attack (BAB 4-7) and Power Attack, BAB 8-11.
    Different levels of Cure Light Wounds and Rejuvenate Eidolon save fine.
    I'm going to put it in as a bug since it's clearly not just me.
  3. Jenouflex

    Jenouflex New Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    Addendum: Here's the workaround for what looks like it's probably an unintended "feature":

    Doing some further testing, I think I've narrowed down the problem to the following:

    If you attempt to decrease work by loading a prior effect into the effect editor [i.e. when I want to make Attack Effect (level 2) I start by loading Attack Effect (level 1) and then modifying it] then they appear to be saved as two instances of the same effect, and remain linked from that point forward.
    If you don't load ANY effect before making modifications, then it seems to work fine and I don't get the weird linked results.

    Edit: You CAN use the data that's saved in the effect editor as long as you don't load.
    For example: I do Attack Effect (level 1) that does 1d6+1 damage, and save it, and then immediately reopen the editor, the 1d6+1 is still there. I can increment the counters and save as Attack Effect (level 2) then. What I can't do is select Attack Effect (level 1) and click "Load". At that point I have to exit and reopen the editor before editing any further effects.
  4. Daeruin

    Daeruin New Member

    Dec 24, 2010
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    I have run into this as well and have been meaning to report it as a bug. I'll have to try out what Jenouflex says. At first I thought it was just a problem of using the same first word, because it seemed to work when I renamed the effect, for example from "Cure Light Wounds" and "Cure Moderate Wounds" to "CureLightWounds" and "CureModerateWounds." But it could have been a matter of whether I was loading from an existing effect or not. I'll have to test it out.
  5. thraxxis

    thraxxis Member

    Jul 8, 2008
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    Argh, this pesky bug has been lurking for a long time. My apologies for not having squashed it already. The good news is that it's fixed and will be released with v3.1.1 in the immediate future.

    Also stay tuned for a big announcement regarding the spell/effect system. Too early to spill the beans; however, expect this system to be substantially improved by GenCon. :ugeek:
  6. Daeruin

    Daeruin New Member

    Dec 24, 2010
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  7. AEIOU

    AEIOU Member

    Feb 5, 2012
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    Thank you for the bug fix confirmation.

    *looks about furtively* Hey, no one else here but you and me. You can talk about the spell system update. I won't tell a soul. Swear it. Tell you what -- what if me and a few folks here just asked you a couple...HEY, settle down, I'm not finished yet!...no need to get defensive already...just saying If'n we just asked you simple yes or no questions, you know, like make it a game with us. Would you be game? You can keep all your beans, we just want some of the juices to lap up while we wait.

    Is it going to be a lot of prep work for GM's to input spells?

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