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Saving Throws

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Thurgian, Jul 29, 2010.

  1. Thurgian

    Thurgian New Member

    May 17, 2010
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    After the initial save and application of the effect, is there any automated method of removing said effect? IE - am I doing something wrong, or does using the "save" action not perform anything other than a dice roll to be evaluated?
  2. ogexam

    ogexam Member

    Jul 10, 2008
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    Multiple ways to remove an effect.

    If the effect was set to a certain amount of time, advanced the time and when the time runs out the effect is removed automatically.

    Open active effects, and you can end inifinite effects. You can also remove timed events plus remove specific creatures from an effect.

    You can also open the effects tab on a creature gump (by double clicking the creature) and remove the effects from them there. Note removing the effect from a creature the effect still exists you have to remove it from active effects to remove it entirely.
  3. Thurgian

    Thurgian New Member

    May 17, 2010
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    Thanks, for the quick answer.

    Since I normally am worried about persistent effects, I set the duration to infinite (although I suppose some outrageously excessive number of rounds would do) so to be certain that the effect does not accidentally disappear during combat. Typically these effects are listed as (Save Ends).

    To that end, is there a way for the software to enforce the "save ends" component of the effect, or does the "Save" action (available from the right click menu) have no other effect than to announce what the player rolled as their saving throw?

    I am guessing, from your previous response, that the answer is "no, the software will not remove the effect based upon the results of a saving throw"; but I want to be certain.
  4. ogexam

    ogexam Member

    Jul 10, 2008
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    rolling just a save on a creature does not impact effects on the creature.

    If you apply an effect to a creature that has a save the savings throw is rolled automatically and the Judge is presented with a gump that shows success of failure and can be modified from there.

    Effects with no duration go away immediatly, effects with durations do not go away automatically until their time runs out. It is up to the DM to remove the effect if it is a save ends.

    Future works includes saves every round, damage every round, etc. but are currently not in the system.
  5. Thurgian

    Thurgian New Member

    May 17, 2010
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    Thank You.

    What you described is what my testing had revealed. Even so, I wanted to make sure I had not overlooked something.

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