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Skills messed up

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Thrillba, Oct 3, 2010.

  1. Thrillba

    Thrillba Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    For some reason on some of my characters that I import from HL, they have a +3 misc added to skill checks - whats the deal.
  2. ogexam

    ogexam Member

    Jul 10, 2008
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    When a skill is a class skill and you get a rank in pathfinder you get a +3 to that skill check.

    Since there is no way to determine what are class skills it is assumed if you have a rank that it is a class skill. So some may be off, but a majority should be spot on.
  3. Thrillba

    Thrillba Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    i hate to say it, but no one should assume, its causing work in the long run.

    Why was it programmed to think that people would only take ranks in a class skill - that doesn't make sense.
  4. ogexam

    ogexam Member

    Jul 10, 2008
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    The export files from herolabs does NOT state if a skill is a class skill or not.

    Since a majority of skills taken are class skills it makes sense to go will all class skills and be wrong a small percentage of time, with a few skills getting an extra +3 then to have a majority of skills missing the +3 they should have. It is far easier to fix 1 or 2 skills then 10.
  5. Thrillba

    Thrillba Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    i can understand that, that is also easier than programming d20pro to know what skill is a class skill and then adding the appropriate +3. I know that would be a lot of extra programming because you work with so many different systems. thanks for the help.
  6. Dan

    Dan Member

    Jul 8, 2008
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    Please also keep in mind that we work with the data we are given - that is, the data from Hero Labs doesn't specify what is class or not. Rulebooks, feats, expansions, and systems all can change what is or isn't a class skill.

    Our core Philosophy is that d20pro is a flexible tool - not an automated engine - and you can make small adjustments and corrections whenever needed. We hope that the small corrections needed are balanced by the general ease of import.

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