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text files

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by Greymyst, Mar 24, 2010.

  1. Greymyst

    Greymyst New Member

    Mar 21, 2010
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    Are going to have a manual that will explain how the software interfaces with the data in the text files, specifically the class file? What is a "Creature Class" and how can they be modified? Attack rates are .5, .75, and 1. What if I put in .66? Is it a placeholder or does the software do math? Are the templates modifiable (the "SpellCaster=com.mindgene.d20.plugin.dnd.creature.SpellCasterTemplate_Wizard|INT" entry)?

    I am looking at the program for use in other d20 systems, like Star Wars or Darwin's world.

  2. Dan

    Dan Member

    Jul 8, 2008
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    The software should calculate base attack with the decimal value you put in there, whatever it may be. To increase it every 3 levels, just put in .666 or so. You can even make it so BAB goes up by 2 per level or 1.5.

    We have no plans yet to allow templates to be modified as they are integral to the code.

    If you look at our Pathfinder and 4E pages on the help wiki you will see alternative text files for feats, classes, and so on. Support for Star Wars or other d20 based games should be as easy as editing the text files. Classes can be a little tougher. I suggest looking at the forums here for more guidance on setting up custom classes.

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