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v3.4.5 (Release Candidate 5)

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by thraxxis, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. thraxxis

    thraxxis Member

    Jul 8, 2008
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    Hail and well met Gamers,

    Ok, drumroll please... v3.4 is done! :ugeek:

    Look for an official announcement in the coming days and v3.4 will become available on the main site. In the meantime, please dig in. Installers are below.

    What's added since v3.4.4:
    * New Interactive Creature Character Sheet
    	The new character sheet, accessed by double-clicking on a Creature, is now interactive and will
    	respond to clicks to rolls skills, saving throws, and ability checks. Will also trigger 
    	attacks and special abilities. Hitpoints are also modifiable from this screen - including the
    	ability for the Player to update the hitpoints of a Creature they control.
    * Improved Window Memory
    	Judge and Player windows now remember their position on multiple monitors. Maximized
    	windows are also handled properly.
    * Delete Creature Dialog
    	Deleting Creatures from the game now shows an improved confirmation dialog
    	with pictures of the Creatures to be deleted for extra clarity.
    * Edit Creature Refinement
     	Attempting to commit the Edit Creature dialog will now warn if a Special Ability was still
    	being edited. Previously the Edit Creature dialog would allow you to commit without confirming
      	changes to a Special Ability currently being edited.	
    * Encumbrance display now handles fractions correctly.
    * Improved threading so Judge won't temporarily freeze right when a Player connects.

    Here are the rest of the updates in v3.4:
    * Creature Merge Wizard
    	An existing Creature in-game may now be merged with an incoming Creature chosen from the
    	Creature Library. This wizard is activated by "Alter -> Merge" from the Creature context
    * New Creature Character Sheet
    	The default character sheet shown when double-clicking on an in-game Creature has been
    	replaced with a new, comprehensive interface. To activate the new character sheet for
    	legacy Campaigns, click the "Show Campaign Folder" button in "Options -> Judge" and
    	delete the ~/res/ManuallySpecified/stats.zip file and restart d20Pro.
    * Overwrite Library Creature
    	When using the "Location -> Save Creature" menu option for a Creature, you will receive
    	an overwrite prompt if there is already a Creature in the Library with the same name
    	and module. Creature Import will also prompt for overwrite.
    * View Game Log History
    	View a complete history of the game log by clicking the new icon button at the top of 
    	Options -> Judge next to the Campaign's name. This is a convenience method to deal with
    	the long standing "Game.html" file residing in the campaign's "game" folder.
    * Display IP Address in Title
    	Both the Player and Judge apps display the game's IP address and port in the title bar.	 	
    * Saving mechanism on exit is now more robust.
    * Bulk Image Import Wizard
    	A brand new interface that allows the Judge to quickly and easily add image files
    	and/or entire directories of images to use as Map Tiles, Creature Tokens, or Item
    	Tokens. Click the "Images" button at the bottom of the corresponding library to
    	launch this new interface. 
    * Drag & Drop Support
    	Image files may now be dragged from the OS and dropped in a number of places:
    	- Create Map Wizard
    	- Edit Creature Dialog
    	- Import CTR Image 
    	- Import ITEM Image
    	- Text Field File Choosers
    	Map files (.d20_map) may now be dragged to the Map Library to import them.
    * Faster Judge Startup
    	The resource system no longer scans for changes at startup, which should speed
    	up launch times. GMs with large campaigns should notice a dramatic improvement. 
    	As a caveat, if any images are copied into the res/FLR, res/CTR, or
    	res/ITEM folders these will not be detected at launch the way they used to be.
    	Instead the GM should go to Options -> Judge and click "Refresh Resources" to
    	initiate the scan.  	
    * Revamped Browser Launcher
    	Now uses the Java Desktop to launch the browser. 
    * Product Publishing
    	Vastly improved final form of the product publishing interface.
    * JPEG Performance
    	JPEG images encoded by d20Pro pre-v3.4.1 would render sluggishly in v3.4.1+. 
    	These files are now repaired automatically and performance should return to normal.
    * Bulk Image Import
    	The Map, Creature, and Item Libraries now feature a Copy Images Wizard where you target
    	a folder of images for bulk copy into the corresponding resource folder (FLR, CTR, ITEM).
    	Click on the "Images" button at the bottom of the corresponding Library to launch the wizard.
    * Bulk Creature Replace
    	Significantly improved the ability to replace multiple Creatures on a Map at once. To
    	utilize this feature, select all Creatures to be overwritten and then activate the 
    	right-click menu and choose Alter -> Bulk Replace...  	
    * Show Campaign Folder
    	A new Folder button in the top right of Options -> Judge will ask the operating system to
    	show the folder containing the active Campaign. 	
    * Product Publishing
    	A number of improvements to make publishing products more intuitive.
    * Product Publishing
    	FTPing of product images now properly uses Binary file transfer.
    * New Marketplace Interface
    	The in app Marketplace now shares the same interface as http://d20pro.com/MarketplaceWeb
    	If you wish to use the original interface you can opt out in Options -> Judge.
    * JPEG Encoding Improvements
    	The new JPEG encoder now uses 85% quality instead of 100% resulting in normal file sizes.
    * Product Publishing
    	Products may now be published to the Marketplace directly from d20Pro. This feature is
    	only for Publishers. If you wish to publish professional products to the Marketplace
    	please contact your d20Pro representative or visit http://d20pro.com/contact.	
    * Windows Installer Improvements
    	- Start Menu shortcut now correctly sets the working directory.
    	- d20Pro install folder access control set to full access.
    * Fog of War Improvements
    	- Easy Fog of War: A new tool that allows cell by cell masking. You either are 
    		hiding are showing the Map. Any cells you drag over will be set to shown or not 
    		according to the mode. Easy Mode works in conjunction with the existing FoW
    		system to toggle the Region visibility.
    	- Nearby Knot Snapping: when drawing FoW Regions, newly placed Knots will snap
    		to an existing Knot nearby. This mode is toggled on from the FoW console in 
    		the Game Tools window.  
    * Improved Map Creation
    	A completely rewritten wizard for creating Maps simplifies the process in general
    	while also adding some advanced image manipulation capabilities. 
    * Improved Campaign Management
    * Improved Memory Management
    * Hero Lab Importer Improvements
    * Image Chooser
    	A double-click will now choose the selected image.
    	Info label shows the filename and image dimension.
    * Tile Detail Control
    	The Tile Detail setting in Options -> General allows you to artificially limit
    	the size of your tiles in memory. If you are having memory issues with 
    	hi-resolution tiles, you can reduce the maximum possible size with this setting. 
    * Images
    	Images from file are now loaded with ImageIO.	
    * Sounds
      	The JMF library is available as an alternate to javax.sound to address a reported 
      	issue where sound effects stop playing on OS X. Enable this from General->Options.
    * Mac Improvements
      - Command keys for clipboard (C, V, X) are now recognized.	
    * JPEG Encoding
    	Now using an alternative JPEG encoder that does not create images that render
    	red-tinted outside of d20Pro. 
    * Judge Image Processing
    	Fixed issue where rescaling an image would lose transparency.	
    * Marketplace Improvements
    	Now prompts to download missing Marketplace key. Otherwise some users may experience problems
    	using previously downloaded content on a fresh install.
    * Creature Label
    	Labels now show correctly to Players.	

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