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v3.5.7 (new - previously v3.5.6)

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by edwardcd, Jan 3, 2016.

  1. edwardcd

    edwardcd Administrator
    Staff Member

    Oct 13, 2010
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    Good News Everyone!

    A few fixes in look and feel, also updated help reference to reflect new site, most notably for marketplace publication and some graphical ones. Also fixed Linux executable files.


    Lots of updates since last public release version of v3.4.8...

    * Locale Startup Issue
      D20PRO now overrides the locale to prevent a startup issue initializing the look and feel. 
    * Player Editable Character Sheets
      Players may now edit Creatures they control while logged into the game. When the Player applies
      these changes they are sent to the GM for line by line review. The GM may decide to keep all, 
      some, or none of the proposed changes. The Player can modify all aspects of the Creature except
      for choosing a different image (includes Item images). 
    * SRD Add-on
    	System Reference Documents are now available in-app! There are two Add-ons provided
    	"out of the box" and more may be added by dropping them in the judge/addon/srd folder.
    	GMs can opt in to using an SRD Add-on when creating a Campaign or managing an existing
    	Campaign. Players can opt in under their advanced options when joining a game. To activate
    	the SRD during the game, look for SRD in the Main Menu. 
    * Syrinscape integration (URI Triggers)
    	A URI Trigger allows you to prepare a link to trigger during the game. GMs may create 
    	Campaign level Triggers in the new 5th tab of Game Tools. GMs and Players may store Triggers
    	in the Map Markers. The Options the URI Trigger Mode may be set to
    	- Remote Only: only trigger on remote instances
    	- Local & Remote: the default
    	- Local Only: only trigger the URI locally 
    	URIs may also be used with standard web URLs. Triggering these will ask the app's operating
    	system to open the link in the default web browser.
    	To obtain a Syrinscape URI, run Syrinscape. Then press the + key and (+) buttons will appear.
    	Click the + and the URI will be copied to the clipboard. Paste this URI into a Trigger and
    	it will ask Syrinscape to play the appropriate mood or element.
    	Please note: At this time, Syrinscape integration is Windows only. 
    	To learn more about Syrinscape please visit their web site: http://syrinscape.com/	
    * PDF Handouts
    	Handouts that are created from PDF files are now displayed in-app.	
    * Skill Penalty
      Each Creature may now be assigned a Skill Penalty in the Skills tab. Typically this is used
      to enforce an Armor Check penalty on STR, DEX, and CON Skill checks; however, the Penalty is 
      configurable to target any of the six core attributes.	
    * Movement Indicator
      When moving a Creature now shows how many movements based off the speed. This makes it easier
      to track single moves, double moves, and how far a Creature can run in a round.
    * Reconfigure Initiative
      Pressing the Combat Mode toggle no longer immediately leaves Combat Mode. Instead you have a
      choice to reconfigure initiative order by returning to the Set Initiative dialog.  
    * Image Browser 
      The image browser now provide a number of scaling options to view the thumbnails. Previously
      thumbnails were locked at 128x128 pixels.
    * Log File Access
      The D20PRO.log file is now accessible via the "Show Log File" button under the Advanced section
      of General Options.  
    * Autosave Recovery
      Every five minutes the Judge's Campaign will be automatically saved in the background. 
      If the Campaign does not shut down gracefully, upon the next launch there will be an prompt to 
      attempt a recovery from the last autosaved file. To disable this feature, uncheck the
      "Enable Autosave" box in Options -> Judge. 
    * Temp HP
      When a Creature has an Effect granting temp HP, editing the Creature no longer adds the temp HP
      to the actual HP of the creature.
    * Set Initiative
      Canceling the Set Initiative dialog after modifying a Creature's initiative order now properly
      ignores the changes.  
    Player Editable Character Sheets
    Let's go through the process to see what it looks like. Here is the original character sheet seen on the Player side.
    We are going to edit the Alignment in this, so we change the Alignment field - notice you can do this for as many fields as you like, each change will appear on the GM and the GM can approve all or disapprove all with one button.
    Once we press Apply, then we get a Confirmation window saying we are going to be submitting this updated Creature to the GM for review. Simply press Yes.
    Once the Player submits the changes, the GM get's a request to update a character.
    The GM says OK and gets the Merge Creature Wizard which will show all the changes... In this case we can see the Alignment changed as it is highlighted. Make sure to scroll down to see if the Player is submitting bad info :p Then press "Next".
    Here we see in all glory the complete Character Sheet for the creature, The GM now approves this by pressing "Finish"
    Here is the GM's view of the completed merged creature.

    SRD Add-on
    GM: Set your SRD source from Manage Campaigns (prior to opening campaign)

    GM: View the SRD from the D20PRO main menu then select SRD.

    Player: Set your SRD source from the Join a Game screen.

    Player: View the SRD from the D20Pro main menu then select SRD.

    Example of SRD

    Syrinscape integration (URI Triggers) - (Windows only)
    Syrinscape must be installed on each Player's computer to be heard. For more information about Syrinscape, please visit their website at: http://syrinscape.com/ (free version is ok if only using the free version's sounds)

    Normal View of Syrinscape:

    Pressing - and = (shares + on same key) on the keyboard at the same time:

    Then click on one of the + inside Syrinscape to copy the URI Trigger, then paste inside (as GM) either Game Tools - Attachments or Game Tools - Map Markers section. Or as a Player use Game Tools - Map Markers. Click on the "New" button at the bottom and enter the name of the sound and paste in the URI and press Enter to save.

    Skill Penalty
    From the Creature's Window, select Skill Tab:

    Now press the button that says "Penalty":
    Enter a negative value to impose a Penalty on the selected skills (skills which rely on an ability or multiple abilities)
    Enter a positive value to impose a Bonus on the selected skills (skills which rely on an ability or multiple abilities)
    Note: Only one Skill Penalty is allowed per Creature at any given time. To change it simply enter the screen again and set a new value, if you want to erase it enter "0" as the value and press OK.

    PDF Handouts
    Previously PDF Handouts were opened in the player's PDF Reader application.
    Now PDF Handouts are readable inside D20PRO.

    Movement Indicator
    Movement indicator will display a nth move action(s) so GMs and Players can better manage their movements. See examples below:

    Reconfigure Initiative
    While in Combat Mode, press the Combat Mode/Free Mode Toggle button, then press "Reconfigure Initiative" to bring up the Set Initiative Window again.

    Image Browser
    Can now scale images in the Image Chooser/Browser:

    Log File Access
    You can view the Log File within D20Pro, this is useful when a problem occurs and you need support.

    Autosave Recovery
    Autosaves every 5 minutes. You can disable this feature inside the Options > Judge Window. Simply make sure "Enable Autosave" is checked.

    INSTALLERS UPDATED on 4 Jan 2016

    Linux - Note: a small edit will be needed, inside the invocation.settings to uncomment the "XMX =" line and put a value appropriate for your machine.
  2. Wesley Gorby

    Wesley Gorby Production/Community Manager
    Staff Member

    Aug 1, 2011
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    Re: v3.5.7

    D20PRO v 3.5.7 is now on the website.

    Yet another group of small tweaks and fixes for various OSs.

    Note: Mac Users please right-click and choose open if double clicking doesn't work.

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