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Looking for players for the Pathfinder Strange Aeons Adventure Path

Discussion in 'Pathfinder' started by Stonesnake, Jan 18, 2017.

  1. Stonesnake

    Stonesnake Member

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Quick history ... I've been playing D&D/Pathfinder for over 35 years and have DMed well over 500 sessions of Pathfinder to date. Of all the games I have DMed over the years I have found that I enjoy Adventure Paths the most. To date I have DMed Age of Worms, Kingmaker, Carrion Crown and am currently halfway through Iron Gods.

    I have been looking forward to running Strange Aeons for years and have decided to startup a new campaign. However, only half of my regular group can make this campaign (there is only so much Pathfinder one can play per week!).

    Hence, I'm looking for two (possibly more) people to join a brand new campaign starting soon.

    Some general information on the campaign and how we play:
    • We play 99.9% RAW: I try to run all modules exactly as written and rarely change modules (usually only to fix errors or improve story flow). The only exception is when it comes to Daze (and similar effects) and summoning monster spells. We usually don't allow Daze effects for PCs or monsters (anything restricted for PCs will also be restricted for the DM as well) since sitting around for 2-3 hours while your PC is dazed and everyone else is playing is never fun for anyone. Limiting monster summoning is simply to move play along.

    • Looking for 2 or more players: Currently two of the players are my "regulars" and have as much experience as myself. They are currently running an Investigator and a Fighter or Monk (he's still deciding). We normally only play with 4 PCs but might go with more depending upon how this goes.

    • When & how we play: Usually are currently planning to play once a week on Wednesday nights from 8:30pm - midnight EST, online using d20Pro (you don't need to purchase anything, I own the license). In addition, you'll need to have Hero Lab to build your characters and a microphone. We utilize Discord for online voice and all handouts/player notes. I've been playing this way for around 5 years now and it works really well. We might play more than once a week depending upon schedules but right now we are expecting once a week. Because of the length of APs in general it will probably take around 2-3 years to fully complete the AP, so long-term commitment is needed!

    • No Powergaming/Gamebreaking PCs: Anyone can "win" Pathfinder if they try hard enough ... it's really not that hard. Want to make a 5th PC that can do 500 points of damage on a single hit? Have fun, but we don't play that way. Over the years we have discovered that playing slightly "broken" PCs or thematic PCs are much more fun/challenging than making a PC min/maxed to death. In addition, having even a single super-powerful PC breaks the balance of the game for everyone as all encounters need to raised to challenge the optimized PC. I'm not looking for gimped or underpowered characters, just not min-maxed to the point of breaking the game.

    • Character Creation: will be in line with PFS character creation rules. That means 20 point buy, max HP at level one, half rounding up after that, etc. 150 gp worth of gear.

    • Races: Nothing too exotic, usually the common races are the best. However, if you have an idea for something cool let me know what you are thinking and perhaps we can work something out (some appropriate exotic races include Changelings, Orcs, Dhampirs, and Skinwalkers (some heritages)).

    • Classes/Archetypes: Did I mention party balance? Well I'll mention it again as party balance is key. It's helpful to have a self-sufficient party with proper balance. Again, so far, the Investigator and Fighter/Monk have been spoken for, otherwise almost anything else is up for grabs. The Strange Aeons Player's Guide has a lot of suggestions and I would STRONGLY suggest one of the recommended classes listed in the Player's Guide. Also, no Summoners.

    • Alignment/Deities: Almost anything goes but party balance/cohesion is key. Nothing evil is allowed and no in-party pvp (although disagreements and roleplaying is encouraged). Having a healthy number of skills points will come in handy as nearly nothing in this is AP is "standard" ... so even "real world" knowledge won't work. You will most likely know what your PCs know.

    • Traits: Two traits. One of these MUST be from the Player’s Guide. The second should be PFS legal.

    • Alternate Rules/Subsytems: Again, we play RAW but I will most likely going to use the Sanity rules from Horror Adventures. The Library rules from Ultimate Intrigue and Ritual rules from Occult Adventures are part of the AP as written.

    • Feats: Crafting feats are allowed but you may or may not have the time and/or resources to take full advantage of them. Otherwise most feats will be allowed.

    • Fugue State: As most people know by now the AP starts off with your characters in a fugue state with a significant amount of their memories completely forgotten. This might sound a bit strange, but you should trust me that it's part of what makes this AP so unique and will a major part of the campaign. You'll still be able to use your abilities and remember who you are (for the most part), but a large chunk of your memories will be gone. Make sure to consult the Player's Guide for additional details on how this will work.

    • Difficulty: I am not a "killer GM" but you should use your brain. My "regulars" will rarely run from a fight unless they really feel it's above their paygrade. Hence, party cohesion and clear communication is more important than overpowered PCs. My "regulars" have pulled an entire floor at once (more than once actually), and lived to tell the tale as they work together and formulate a plan. If that sounds like the type of game you like to play, then you'll probably fit right in. This is hard campaign and an above-average level of system mastery should be expected.

    • Character Death: I am not a "killer GM" but the possibility of death is always around the corner. There are lots of ways to come back to life. I'll be allowing reincarnate and there are lots of other ways to come back ... this is Strange Aeons after all. However, your PC will probably be changed in new and bizarre ways. The party should plan/save up for potential death insurance.

    • Hero Points: I will be using the Hero Points system from the Advanced Player's Guide ... but no Hero Point feats, spells, or magic items. Your PC will simply get 1 Hero Point per level that you can use as listed in the rules.
    I am planning on starting as soon as we find enough players, probably within a week or so.

    If this sounds like the type of adventure you might be interested in playing let me know and if you have a character in mind please post it. And if you have any questions please let me know!
    #1 Stonesnake, Jan 18, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2017
  2. Wesley Gorby

    Wesley Gorby Production/Community Manager
    Staff Member

    Aug 1, 2011
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    I roll a d20 and disbelieve :) you can never game too much.
    Tay-Dor likes this.
  3. Josh Scott

    Josh Scott New Member

    Nov 3, 2016
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    I'm interested
  4. Stonesnake

    Stonesnake Member

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Cool, if you want to read over the Player's Guide and come up with an initial level 1 character outline and then we can go from there.
  5. HauntedMists

    HauntedMists New Member

    Jan 18, 2017
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    I'd love to play strange aeons if you need another player, I'm a raw newb but so I'd probobly need some coaching, I've read the player guide and I'd love to try mutation alchemist if you will have me.
    I love chaos I'm stuff and have run CoC and delta green games but have yet to play pathfinder, and I'm dying to try it.
  6. Savage_GM

    Savage_GM New Member

    Mar 8, 2017
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    Ive been gaming for over 30 years
  7. GM_Squirrel

    GM_Squirrel New Member

    Jan 8, 2017
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    I'm a bit rusty at Pathfinder and do not own the Strange Aeon player's handbook (but can probably procure it)

    I however have close to 20 years of experience in a variety of role-playing games, and am a big fan of Cthulhu mythos, which I understand Strange Aeons is based on.

    In addition, I'm interested in running a game using d20pro sometime in the future and would be interested in first using it as a player.

    I notice however that someone else is interested in a mutation alchemist which is the class I'm most interested in playing (going Master Chymist).
    However, I'm willing to try out other classes, such as the Witch, or Oracle.
  8. talsharien

    talsharien New Member

    Sep 26, 2016
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    Not sure if you have reached your allocation yet, would be very interested if you have not, please let me know.

  9. kimco

    kimco New Member

    Jan 31, 2016
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    I'm sure you got your +2, but just throwing it out there. I'm wanting to play in a consistent d20 Pro Pathfinder game.
  10. Wesley Gorby

    Wesley Gorby Production/Community Manager
    Staff Member

    Aug 1, 2011
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    @kimco you're welcome to join us, over on TCR Games ... Though we are not currently running PF, we may soon do something for Starfinder.
  11. kimco

    kimco New Member

    Jan 31, 2016
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    @Krillion, thank you. I will eventually. Have to manage my time right now.
    Besides personal pleasure, I want to play in a Pathfinder game on D20 Pro, to learn some more.

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