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Top Feature Requests

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by ogexam, Aug 18, 2010.

  1. ogexam

    ogexam Member

    Jul 10, 2008
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    I would like to ask all the people who use d20Pro to give us a list of the top 3 features you want added to d20Pro.

    Please limit it to your top 3 picks, and put them in order from most wanted to 3rd most wanted.
  2. Thurgian

    Thurgian New Member

    May 17, 2010
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    Walls (As in players can not move through them, etc)

    Dynamic FoW

    4e Monster Import
  3. cyderak

    cyderak Member

    Aug 9, 2010
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    Flash integration

    Pre-made adventures

    Pre made creatures (pathfinder cause its the system I play)
  4. ogexam

    ogexam Member

    Jul 10, 2008
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  5. Tivaan

    Tivaan New Member

    Jul 17, 2010
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    4e Monster Import

    Dynamic FoW

    True Effect Integration (For Example Can apply: Dex vs Will, Str vs Reflex , etc saves)
  6. Fkewlb

    Fkewlb New Member

    Aug 3, 2010
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    4e monster import
    4e status (overlay image that follows the monster)
    4e total conversion of D20Pro

    Can ya guess i play 4e ? ;)
  7. bigkilla

    bigkilla Member

    Apr 26, 2010
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    Effects: Effects pre entered to where I just need to pick it from a list and hit apply

    Templates that you could attach to a player or NPC that would move with them

    The ability to lock some of the windows in place. Like th tools windows and such, or to just minimize them without having to go to the menu to bring them back up.
  8. KainPen

    KainPen Member

    Apr 16, 2010
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    dynamic fog of war I don't care if it square blocks in a radius or line from icon. don't really need semi circle or partial block would be nice but not necessary to start.

    The ability to set your on mods on the ability scores.(toggle switch)(this would also allow for 4th , pathfinder, 3.5, 1st, 2nd and basic D&D to work in the system. not to mention 5th ed. when ever it comes out.)

    Custom Saving Throw just like the Custom . AC.
    Basically add more option to the current system and polish it up later. No offense to the 4th ed. and Pathfinder players that want imports. don't try to gear this software to much to one game other the other. The system need to be opened up more. To support more games then just those. I like to see this thing work with New World of darkness, and even other games. the more you open and give on and off toggle the more people are going to use and buy the product.

    lol i would like for it to be one day called Virtual Table top Pro. not just limiting to d20 based games.

    That features for D20pro i would like to see.
  9. mobius125

    mobius125 New Member

    Nov 13, 2009
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    My top feature request would be dynamic fog of war. My major sustain for d20Pro, is the fact it is cross platform. I dropped Battlegrounds mainly because it offered no linux support (sorry Herca, liked the product, but too many of my players are penguins). Again I have say hats off to the development team for keeping d20Pro cross platform (despite the quirks of coding in Java; I am a padowan only). I have to say Hero Lab integration is nice too.


  10. Leathermartini

    Leathermartini New Member

    Aug 8, 2010
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    DDI monster import - Like the character import, only from Adventure tools. Of if you want the whole thing, a full import of all useful info from DDI (HeroLabs has a ddidownloader file hosted on Google Code here: http://code.google.com/p/ddidownloader/ It uses one's DDI subscription to pull in all current data. I'm not sure if one could hack it a bit to let it pull all the monters/items from their compendium into the system, possibly powers as well.)

    Attack-ability-effect linking - Basically implement powers from 4e. "I attack with Sets Stuff on Fire, my daily." -> This marks the daily attack as used, rolls to hit. On a hit, does hit damage and applies hit effect, on a miss does miss damage and miss effect. Possibly with multi-targeting selection in there as well. (i.e., if the power has 5 targets, you can select up to 5 of them when using it. You can have multiple targets for effects now, but not attacks)

    Zone-based effects - Effects that apply to a creature if they are in a certain map zone.

    (And if you want a bonus one, 4E has a lot of PCs forcing movement of NPCs, so an option for the players to "suggest" movement for a creature that the judge then confirms.)
  11. lexluthor

    lexluthor Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    1) 4e attack and ability linking as noted above. Ability to attach some statuses to those attacks would rock.
    2) Dynamic Fog of War
    3) Minor audio/visual effects for different kinds of spells or attacks.
  12. Doskious

    Doskious New Member

    Aug 23, 2010
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    1. Fog of war.
    2. More comprehensive data structure for creatures, or, user-edit access to character sheet design on a per-campaign basis, to allow for users to add nonlethal damage or psionics-style power points to their mix.
    3. More connectivity between creature data and spells/feats/abilities, like the potential to have the program be told that a single spell effect lasts for caster-level rounds rather than having to specify a discrete integer, or an ability to implement scale-up with level-up, such as the Pathfinder power attack, which has a simple mathematical progression, for example.
  13. Yaourth

    Yaourth New Member

    Mar 21, 2010
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    - First, the biggest need on my side : allow players to edit their own character sheet (but it seems i'm the only one user to ask this first :) )

    - Second : better handout manager with
    * internal pdf reader.
    * instant seeing of "who-see-what" (for example with red or green light on the player's names)
    * option to minimize handouts windows instead of close it
    * handout manager on the player side with an index of all active handouts and instant access by clicking

    - Third : easiest method for map switching ingame
    * possibility for DM to open multiple maps and choose which one is broadcasting (think about a clear mark to show which map is active :) )
    * auto switch characters from a map to another (very useful for games with many areas). The limbo method is not intuitive.

    and the last one, just for the fun : show the Init values in the roster :)
  14. ogexam

    ogexam Member

    Jul 10, 2008
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    Currently you can have a lot of maps open and to switch between them just open the menu and the maps are listed at the top, just click the map to bring it up and click broadcast to the players.
    You can select all the players right click Alter->location->move to map then open the map you want to move them to and click again and it will drop them onto the map.

    How would you want the way it is currently done improved? Instead of maps listed in the menu are you saying to maybe like them across the top of the screen?
  15. Yaourth

    Yaourth New Member

    Mar 21, 2010
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    This feat could be improve, in my mind, if DM can really open and work on a map when players use another map.
    I've got the case in my last game : players explored a first map with a ruin and find a passage to the underfloor (second map) . I've prepared the second map, thinking the players go straight down but they did some choices which caused major adjustments on the second map. During the roleplay phase on the first map, i was not able to make these changes without activate the second map (and broadcast it... the broadcast feature seems automatic on my 2.1 OSX version). So, i've opened the second map, with full FOW, made changes, and revealed it (few minutes of "wait please" and many funny quotes from players like : "oohh... it's a shame... did you prepare something in the darkness ??"))... I would prefer to work on the second map when players are on the first one and broadcast it without a dead-time. I'm not sure i'm clear... :oops:

    OK... it's for me... :oops:
  16. Micco

    Micco New Member

    Aug 7, 2010
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    1) Players can edit their tokens (with notification of all changes going to GM.)

    2) Dynamic Vision/Lighting/Fog of War
    ---Needs to include lighting, auras, vision types and vision blocking layer. Should really be part of a larger layer system that will allow GMs to create several layers on a map that could include different types of information, graphics (with dynamic transparency), etc.

    3) Very solid condition management system. Includes ability to create, edit, apply, track in initiative, modify, tie to a spell (for tests against Dispel Magic), delete, hide/show, include notes, etc.
  17. smalenberg

    smalenberg New Member

    Aug 23, 2009
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    1. Dynamic fog of war that allows for specification of PC light source type - by character. The dwarf with dark vision should see more than the guy with the torch. Most of the time we use 2 PCs, but even 1 "visual range" setting per player logged in would be awesome.

    2. Make effects/spells a library entry so I can store and edit and just pick the one I want.

    3. Keeping asking and responding - that in itself is awesome. Great product.
  18. Leathermartini

    Leathermartini New Member

    Aug 8, 2010
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    Just as an aside, I don't know how complicated they want to get with Darkvision vs Normal/low-light, or have the rules changed about using darkvision in lighted areas? (I may be thinking back to 2nd ed or old house rules...)
  19. cyderak

    cyderak Member

    Aug 9, 2010
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    smalenberg. I have a ton of old Baldur's Gate, BG 2, Icewind Dale, IWD 2, and Planescape Torment Animations for Spells, Characters, and Monsters. I use them for D20Pro and they look amazing. Especially the ones that have transparent backgrounds. Looks like the monsters are just crawling around on your screen.

    If you need any, Let me know.
  20. Balmor

    Balmor New Member

    Aug 15, 2010
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    Repeating two of them with some consolidation as I try to onboard effects and other content to run my game(s)

    1. Make effects/spells a library entry so I can store and edit and just pick the one I want. Connectivity between creature data and spells/feats/abilities, like the potential to have the program be told that a single spell effect lasts for caster-level rounds rather than having to specify a discrete integer, or an ability to implement scale-up with level-up, such as the Pathfinder power attack, which has a simple mathematical progression, for example.

    2. The ability to organize content so that it can be reused. For example, all content for a specific module.

    3. Better handout manager with
    * internal pdf reader.
    * instant seeing of "who-see-what" (for example with red or green light on the player's names)
    * option to minimize handouts windows instead of close it
    * handout manager on the player side with an index of all active handouts and instant access by clicking

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